Can Lego be Art?
A few years ago The Guardian question can Lego be art (see article) and I wanted to show it can, by showing off several different Lego artists, some who use the bricks and others who use the visual concept of Lego to create cool stuff using wood or metal. Artists who draw or paint Lego.
Do you think Lego can be art?
Sean Kenney
Nathan Sawaya
Jin Kei
Little Big Art
Warren Elsmore
Back in 2012 Lego installed a pop-up in New South Wales town of Broken Hill to mark the 50th Anniversary of Lego being available in Australia.
Celebrating 50th anniversary of Lego in Japan in 2012, over 5,000 kids created a giant map of Japan using 1.8 million bricks
Christoph Niemann
Bright Bricks
Arthur Gugick
Lego Mosaic than changes from Batman to the Joker
Chalkfestival Sarasota 2011
David Hughes
Jason Freeny
Creator of the Brick Baby as well as the Micro Schematic figures
Available from many places including
Steve Guinness
John V. Muntean
Toys R Art
Mike Doyle
Dan Veesenmeyer
Mat Green
Jeff Sanders