Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

#Bright50 The Future of Brighton & Hove

#Bright50 is Bright Ideas to Making Brighton Better. This idea has started from ZST Architects, a local firm who encourage sustainable and ecological design principles as part of their work flow. Having worked on regeneration projects in the area they wanted to get ideas from visitors and residents about what they wanted to improve in the city and then use their contacts to start a conversation

So if you on Twitter share your ideas with the hashtag #Bright50 and be part of the change

They are looking to get a portfolio of Bright Ideas together to display in September. 

I have been thinking of ideas myself, everything from specific places to more general concepts on how we can improve public spaces. Have created a ideas board on Pinterest - check it out here

I will be adding to this post with the questions I am thinking about, but here are a few of my thoughts

How can we make spaces social and interactive
But also how can we allow spaces for all people, regardless of age, sex, class, etc
What about space which allow shy people to interact
Can we use space to encourage people to recycle
Let's show how important play / creativity is, and encourage all people to take part