Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

My Christmas Gift Guide part 2 - Non LEGO Stuff for the LEGO Fan

My Christmas Gift Guide part 2 - Non LEGO Stuff for the LEGO Fan

What do I mean by non-LEGO stuff? I mean stuff which isn’t made by LEGO but made by third parties

I Survived 2020 by Building LEGO

I created this design on Zazzle, so you can have it on a T-Shirt, or a mug or whatever you like

Check out my Zazzle Store

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Wigwam Toys Christmas Elf Bauble Kit

Check out these delightful Christmas baubles which are only available via Wigwam Toys in very limited supply

Visit Wigam Toys either online or in person (one of Brighton’s best independent shops)


Little Big Art

Amazing website selling art inspired by LEGO, be it large versions of LEGO Money or Ice cream, or art gallery building sets, or prints, or t-shirts, they create so much cool stuff

Ever wanted your LEGO minifigures to have a Christmas Jumper, or do you want a minifigure of John McClane and know LEGO will never make a Die Hard set. Well is the place to go, they produce a range of custom printed minifigures and parts. So if you want a LEGO version of your favourite musician or football team, or you want your own Frida Kahlo minifugure.

You can turn a doodle into a LEGO Minifigure or a Tile, or even create your own LEGO Jigsaw

You can find out more via Draw Your Own

Toys ‘R’ Art

Fancy a mug, coaster, print or greetings card of your favourite LEGO Minifigure then check out artist Deborah Cauchi and her site Toys ‘R’ Art

Tips & Bricks

Tips & Bricks produce daily LEGO Building tips and give great techniques to help your MOC building. They have produced two books filled with great stuff (physical copies current out of stock but you can get them as PDF). Visit their store via the link

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