Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

What Lego Minifigures would I like - MARVEL edition

What Lego Minifigures would I like - MARVEL edition

One of the things I love about Lego is the minifigure, and I have been known to buy a Lego set just for the minifugures included. Every now and then i think about what minifigures I would would love Lego to make, so I will be making a series of blog posts featuring some of my dream figures. I would love to hear what you think, what would you like to see?


Here are some of my top suggestion of Marvel minifigures I love to see

One of my favourite superheroes, and so would work in a Spiderman set. My dream would be to have Daredevil, Kingpin, and the Punisher in one set. Though I can't see Lego ever making the Punisher

I would prefer the comic book version of the character, though would be happy with the Netflix version

We need more X-Men, and who better than Colossus. This could be a bigfig, and we could have Nightcrawler and Gambit in the set, who else should be included? Maybe a version of the danger room.

Captain Britain
Love reading Captain Britain as a kid, and just think this would make a cool looking minifigure, 

Moon Knight
When I got back into comics a few years ago,  one of the comics which drew me back in was Moon Knight, such an interesting character and would make an interesting figure. I imagine he would have to be included in a set with more well know characters like Spiderman

The Thing

We need the Fantastic Four, especially The Thing, who would be a big fig, Mr Fantastic could be done the same way they did Ms Marvel a few years ago, I think Invisible Woman should be two figures, one normal figure, and the other figure should be transparent.

The Wrecking Crew

We need some more baddies, and The Wrecking Crew make a good choice. Could include heroes such as Thor or Spiderman. The Wrecking Crew made up of The Wrecker, Bulldozer, Piledriver and Thunderball

Beta Ray Bill
Would be a great looking figure, and should be included in a set with Thor and Loki

Silver Surfer
Would  be so cool to have a set which included the surfer and had a brick build version of Galactus

Namor the Sub Mariner
A simple figure to do, and could be either the villain in the set, or could be working alongside the heroes. 

Black Knight
This is one I think is most likely to be turned into a minifigure due to him being in the Marvel movie The Eternals next year

What superheroes or super villains I have missed out? What sets could these come in?

What Next?

What other themes should I look at, maybe a Disney series 3, DC Comics, maybe musicians, cartoon characters, movie characters

Let me know at