Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Bricks at Home - Virtual Meet-Up for Teenage and Adult LEGO fans in the UK

Bricks at Home - Virtual Meet-Up for Teenage and Adult LEGO fans in the UK

On the 25 & 26th July there is going to be Bricks At Home, a virtual meet-up for AFOLs and TFOLs across the country

This is being organised by two LEGO Users Groups (LUGs) Brick Alley and London AFOLs

The event is free to join for TFOL and AFOLs and you can drop in and out as you like. There will be a variety of sessions such as:

Saturday 25th July

Session 1 - Weird & Wonderful - AFOLs talking about their city builds

Session 2 - Space, Classic Space & Star Wars - AFOLs talking about their space creations

Activity / Workshop - A building challenged organised by Richard from Bricks McGee. You just need to bring a pile of bricks and meet the challenges

Session 3 - Technic & GBC - AFOLs talk about technic and their Great Ball Contraption builds

Session 4 - Vintage & Remastered LEGO Sets - AFOLs talk about their vintage LEGO builds and ways to remaster existing LEGO sets

Sunday 26th July

Session 1 - Weird & Wonderful - AFOLs talking about their models
Session 2 - Trains - AFOLs talking about their train builds

Presentation by Brick to the Past who build historically themed LEGO models on an epic scale

Session 3 - Weird & Wonderful - AFOLs talking about their builds

Session 4 - LEGO Cities & Town - AFOLs talking about their LEGO City builds

They will be AFOLs from a variety of LUGs sharing their experiences of LEGO Builders

Click here for more information and if you want to register


And if you want to exhibit you can apply by midnight on Sunday 12th July 2020 via here