Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

55 LEGO Sets for 55 Years

2022 marks the 55th year of Rockinghorse, a Brighton based children’s charity

They have launched a campaign to help support young people’s mental health, and as you know mental health is very important for us, so I wanted to support this. Rockinghorse are looking for fundraising ideas related to the number 55

The Idea

So my idea is to see if we can get 55 LEGO sets donated to the Royal Alex Children’s hospital. It needs to be new LEGO sets to ensure the health of the patients in the hospital

Having my own personal experience of the amazing work the hospital does, is another reason I want to support them. They did a great job looking after my little one when he needed heart surgery when he was a baby. We also did a collection for the hospital a few years ago. You can read about that campaign here Brighton Bricks donate LEGO to the Alex

How to donate?

I am doing various events this summer, so you can donate any new LEGO set to me there. I am doing a week long event at the Jubilee Library foyer in August, which is a perfect time to drop off. You can also get LEGO sets from Wigwam Toys, who are our host shop for the Fiveways Minifigure Trail

You can find out the events I am doing on my Events page

You can also contact me at