Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

#penguinsfavalbums The Truth About Love - Pink

As it is my first wedding anniversary today, this week's pick is dedicated to Mrs Penguin. It is The Truth About Love by Pink


To be honest I didn't know much about Pink before meeting my other half, just knew the song Lets Get The Party Started, but Claire was a big fan of hers, and for her birthday treat a few years ago I took her to see Pink live. It was her The Truth of Love tour, so I borrowed the album beforehand to listen to, it was okay. But once I saw the live show, and if you ever get a chance I really do recommend seeing Pink live, pure stage show, great performer. 

So afterwards started to listen to the album again, and slowly started to realise what a great album it is. 

So happy anniversary Mrs Penguin from Mr Penguin