Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Why Charities Should Make a Big Deal of Being Small

Small or Large Charities, do you have a preference for whom you support? Me, I support several big name charities like Scope, MS Society, and have taken part in the London to Brighton Night Ride for British Heart Foundation. BUT I do have a soft spot for small charities, when I did my first London Marathon back in 2007, I ran it for the London Sports Forum for People with Disabilities. Also working in the business centres I have, I have dealt with many small charities and can see the amazing hard work they do (Not saying the big charities don't work hard, I'm sure they do, but they have more money, which does make life a bit easier).

I like it when you working with a charity, where you know the people who work for them are so invested in what they doing, not just a job. It inspires you to help. That is exactly how I feel about Fairy Bricks, a great charity, who helps children in hospital by donating Lego. Knowing how hard they all work, makes me want to keep shouting about, hoping I can help them in my small little way.

And back to being small, see the article below from on why charities should take advantage of being small

What do you think?