Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Can you help replace.... Urgent Charity Appeal

Recently the allotment which Grace Eyre has, a Brighton charity which helps people with learning difficulties was broken into and set on fire. 

Disgusting action which has resulted in the loss of majority of their equipment. It is costing the charity over £1700 to replace all these tools. 

So Grace Eyre news your help either by donating money to them or if you can donate tools. Maybe you have a spade or rake you don't use anymore which could help 

Below is a list of things lost, so if you can help by donating that be amazing. If you can help you can tweet/contact me & I can pass it onto Grace Eyre, or you can contact them direct through their website   

  • long handled shears
  • large forks
  • large spades
  • rakes
  • wheelbarrows
  • trowel and fork sets
  • secetuers
  • tool box
  • standard shears
  • lawn edgers
  • hoes
  • wellies
  • wood pallets
  • petrol lawnmower
  • cement bags
  • french boules
  • tennis rackets
  • badminton rackets
  • sheds
  • rugger gloves
  • watering cans
  • garden brooms
  • dustpan and brushes