Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Brighton Festival 7-29 May 2016

Brighton Festival 

7th - 29th May 2016

The Brighton Festival is celebrating it's 50th year this year, with guest director Laurie Anderson. Brighton Festival is the biggest annual mixed arts festival in England

There is a wide range of events going on from free events to ticketed events, events which take place for the whole festival to one night only events. Below are a few examples of the events taking place

The Doorways Project, Sound installation exploring homeless culture
7-29th May, Free, Various Locations

Bed, Nomadic street event performed by members of Entelechy's Elders Company
14th & 15th May, Free, George Street, Hove & East Street, Brighton

The Two Gentleman of Verona, Shakespeare's anarchic comedy
25-29 May, £17.50, Brighton Open Air Theatre

A Voyage Around My Bedroom, Performance installation, inspired by the philosophical writings of Xavier de Maistre
16 & 17th May, Free, Jubilee Square & Royal Pavilion Gardens

Music For Dogs, Laurie Anderson's 20min piece designed for the canine ear
10th May, Free but Ticket Required, Brighton Open Air Theatre

Bridget Christie, stand-up show
12th May, £17, Brighton Dome Corn Exchange

The City Reads Book Swap, bring along one book you willing to swap & share your passion
28th May, Free but Limited Capacity, Brighton Dome Founders Room

& many many more

For the rest of the events check out their What's On Page

Lots of ways to be involved in the Festival, from the Peacock Poetry Prize with the theme of Celebration, The Children's Parade on 7th May or the Young City Reads 'Big Read' encouraging children to read. You can also take part in the Festival by volunteering, a great opportunity to develop skills and knowledge within a busy arts organisation.