Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Donations needed for Book & Health Care Packages for World Book Night 23rd April

World Book Night

As some of you may know, on April 23rd it is World Book Night, which is all about encouraging people to read, and this is done by getting volunteers to give out copies of books choose from a list of books.

I have been selected to be a volunteer, and will be given 16 copies of Last Bus to Coffeeville by J Paul Henderson. So thinking about how/who to give out the books to, what groups of people don't have access to books. I then thought about the homeless problem Brighton has, and the people who live on the streets, thinking about the lack of access they may have to things like books.

I then thought about why just give out the books, why not give a little care package to each person. Wanting to make sure this idea was suitable I did check with a few of the great homeless charities which work in Brighton, and the feedback was positive, with the main comments about keeping them small as rough sleepers may not want to carry a lot.

Thinking about setting up the packages, I thought it might be quite cool if I could get the great community in Brighton to help out and get involved by donating items to the care packages. And it would be great if the business of Brighton can help support this as well.

Book & Health Care Packages Items

I have 16 copies of the book, so will be making at least 16 care packages, if I get more items, I can create more packages, and the items below are what I am looking to include in them

Tote Bag


Bottle of Water

Fruit / Snack Bars


Baby Wipes / Toiletries

Sanitary Products

Books - This is being supplied by World Book Night, so will have 16 copies. If we make more than 16 packages, I will get additional books from charity book shops,

Tote Bags - To hold all the items. It would be great if one or several of Brighton's great designers could donate a bag or two

Food - Any of the supermarkets or local food stores like to donate some bananas, or any other suitable fruit or snack bars

Socks - Clothes Stores in Brighton, can you help on this one. 

Toiletries - Anything from deodorant, to toothpaste, plasters, toothbrushes

Sanitary Products - As there are female rough sleepers, would be getting sanitary products for the bags.

If anyone has any other suggestions or ideas please let me know. If you know of any good businesses or shops, who could help donate to this please pass this post onto them.

I will be handing these packages out on the 23rd April, so would need to collect all the items before then, or on the day if it is fresh fruit. I will then be handing out these packages, and if you know of any good areas for me to target please let me know.

Read more about World Book Night