Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Result of Week 6 Training #SouthCoastChallenge

The results of Week 6 of my training plan for the South Coast Challenge, a 100km walk I am doing for charity in August.

To sponsor me you can do so

Below is what I was meant to do this week

Mon 20th - Rest
Tue 21st - 30 mins Interval Training
Wed 22nd - 1 Hour Aerobic
Thur 23rd - Rest
Fri 24th - 30 mins Aerobic
Sat 25th - 4 Hour Walk
Sun 26th - Rest

BUT I had a bit of a bad week, as on Tuesday I noticed I had a sore throat and my chest started to hurt, thinking if I took Tue off, I should be okay for later in the week. Instead leaving work on Wednesday felt even worse, and was ill in bed all day Thursday. Was back to work Friday morning, but left home after lunch as still feeling rough. Spent weekend resting, still have a bit of a chesty cough but much better than I was earlier in the week. I even missed the opportunity to do a market stall at Brighton Open Market where I would have sold books/dvds, which would have gone towards my fundraising target.

So my original week 7 training plan would have been

Mon 27th - Rest
Tue 28th - 50 mins Interval
Wed 29th - 40 mins Aerobic
Thur 30th - Cross Training
Fri 1st July - Rest
Sat 2nd July - 3.5 Hour Walk
Sun 3rd July - 2.5 Hour Walk

So making sure I don't push myself too much this week, I am going to easy myself back in this week.

Week 7 Training Schedule

Mon 20th - 30 mins Walk
Tue 21st - 1 Hour Walk
Wed 22nd - Rest
Thur 23rd - 45 mins Walk
Fri 24th - 30 mins Aerobic
Sat 25th - 3.5 Hour Walk
Sun 26th - 2.5 Hour Walk