Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Result of Week 5 Training #SouthCoastChallenge

The results of Week 5 of my training plan for the South Coast Challenge, a 100km walk I am doing for charity in August.

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Mon 13th June - Cross-Training
Weights at the gym again, working on upper body as I want to build up upper body strength, as will be carrying my rucksack on the walk for almost a day. 

Tue 14th June - Rest
Rest night, instead was at my Lego group Brighton Bricks meetup

Wed 15th June - 30 mins Aerobic
Rower - 20 mins covering 3846 meters, 13 meters short of my previous best
Run Outside - 10 mins covering 1.05 miles

Thur 16th June - 45 mins Aerobic
Due to delayed trains, and the weather decided to do the gym at home. So did the following
Stairs - 5 mins, up and down stairs for the time period non-stop. As walk will be over hills, I need to do hill / step training
Indoor Bike at Home - 40 minutes in front of the TV

Fri 17th June - Rest

Sat 18th June - 3 Hour Walk
Aim was to do a walk which had a few hills, but could start and finish in Brighton. 
Walk - 12.16 miles in 3 hours 17 mins 56 seconds
Very happy with this walk, as towards the end I could increase my pace for a bit. Also discovering new parts of Brighton is quite cool. One of the things I think about when deciding where to walk is where have I been before, what new routes can I do

Sun 19th June - 1.5 Hour Walk
It was Fathers Day, so went for a walk with my Dad along the Downs Link from Southwater to Christ's Hospital and back (via lunch at Bax Castle, which was very tasty)
Altogether it was 6.60 miles in 3 hours 49mins 5s. This wasn't about time, about having a nice time with my dad and discovering a new route

Week 6 Training Schedule

Mon 20th - Rest
Tue 21st - 30 mins Interval Training
Wed 22nd - 1 Hour Aerobic
Thur 23rd - Rest
Fri 24th - 30 mins Aerobic
Sat 25th - 4 Hour Walk
Sun 26th - Rest