Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Wellbeing Wednesday: Together Co

Every week I have been posting on social media mental health advice and information. I have decided to move it from Tuesday to a Wednesday, and call it Wellbeing Wednesday.

The purpose of this is to promote positive mental health wellbeing, and spotlight organisations who work to help people.

This post is highlighting the great work Together Co do.

Who are Together Co?

They are a Brighton based charity who aim to tackle loneliness, through their befriending, social prescribing and volunteering services in Brighton, Hove, and beyond.

What do they do?


The idea behind this is everybody should have somebody, and making new friends especially when you are older can be hard. So Together Co help by matching you with a befriender who lives locally and who you can meet with regularly. They aim to match people considering their backgrounds and interest, so you have shared interests and experiences.

The service is open to anyone over 50, or if you have a physical or sensory disability or chronic condition, or if you are a carer.

Find out more via their website

Social Prescribing

All about finding the people and they places we need to be happier and healthier. This might be having someone you can chat to when you need to, or someone who helps you navigate local services that could benefit you.

It could be helping you find new interests or hobbies, or reigniting old ones. It is about improving your confidence and self-esteem.

The service can help any resident of Brighton and Hove, who are aged over 18, and experience any of the following

  • Feeling isolated and would like to socialise and meet new people

  • Struggling with benefits, housing or debt issues

  • Would like support with mild depression, anxiety or stress

  • Want to volunteer or to return to work

  • Looking for support with mild learning disabilities

  • Caring for someone and would like some advice or support

  • Want support with healthy eating and physical activity

Find out more via the website

How can you help?

You could volunteer as a Befriender or one of the other roles needed. Check out their volunteering page

If you are a individual you can either create a virtual fundraiser or support them with a one-off donation via text

If you are a local organisation or business you can support them through a charity of the year partnership.

More details on how you can support Together Co can be found on their Support Us page

For More Info you can visit their website

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