Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Filtering by Tag: Creatives

2017 for Bright Green Penguin

What has 2017 planned for Bright Green Penguin

Last year I applied for Share Your Story's Live A Good Life award & managed to get a place. This award gives me a place on their program, which is all about helping people tell a good life story.

My application was about Bright Green Penguin, and how I want to transform it, make it better. So going to use this blog post to think about some of my ideas

First off, what is the purpose of Bright Green Penguin (BGP). I wanted to do something to help improve the world. I never know what impact I have, if I have any at all but I still do this because I believe the world can only get better if everyone makes an impact not matter how small it is.

How do I want to make the world a better place? By sharing, promoting, championing great ideas, creatives, community initiatives which I hope may inspire other people. Like buying from local shops through the great #justacard campaign. Or volunteering while getting fit with Good Gym

So what do I want to achieve 2017?

I want to make BGP more real, not just a Twitter & Facebook account


Ideas I have include

  • Offering pay as you feel consultancy
  • Setting up networking events
  • Become an online store or sell local designers crafts at Art Fairs / Craft Fairs
  • Looking at what recycling options I can offer
  • Creating a game which helps promote the three Cs of BGP - creative, charity & community
  • Create a hub where people can share ideas
  • Offer a connection service, i.e. if you are a company looking for a charity to support, or a community project looking for sponsors
  • Create an leaflet / map promoting the local shops & community projects which need supporting

Plus also I will be developing Brighton Bricks, my adult fan of Lego group.

If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions please let me know at




Purple Playhouse Theatre Volunteers Wanted

Purple Playhouse, a theatre in Seven Dials, Brighton have a NEW Theatre Volunteer Role

From running an acting workshop, to sharing your technical or back stage knowledge, the Purple Playhouse Theatre is on the lookout for creative and enthusiastic theatre volunteers. Come and help us paint sets, sew costumes, put on plays and more!

We will soon be launching a programme of events in the Purple Playhouse during evenings and weekends. It will be broad ranging with comedy, performance, gigs and concerts.

Benefits of the Opportunity:

1. Be part of an innovative and vibrant new Theatre Company
2. Add new skills to your CV
3. Work as part of a dedicated team, helping to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities and/ or mental health needs.

Who we’re looking for

We’re seeking motivated and enthusiastic technical theatre and performance volunteers, to help support the Purple Playhouse Theatre. We are looking for volunteers with any of the following desirable skills:

– Bar work (you can be trained)
– Stewarding and Front of House (you can be trained)
– Technical: Lights and Audio (need to be experienced)
– Teaching: Experience of teaching or facilitating drama workshops would be desirable.

Skills Required

· Enthusiastic, motivated and passionate about theatre and performance.
· Great interpersonal skills.
· To have an interest in working with adults with disabilities.
· An ability to work as part of a team with other volunteers.
· An ability to take instruction and work independently to complete tasks.
· Recognition of the risks and dangers of working in event theatre.
· Punctuality and good work ethic.
· Enthusiasm for the role.

Practical Considerations

The role may involve engaging with and travelling in the local area. The recruitment procedure includes completing an application form, a criminal record check, an informal discussion and an interview. References will be required and there will be a trial period. Volunteers will have regular supervision and training. Travel expenses will be paid.

Interested in applying or have a few questions? Contact us on 07436 093 170 or

Bricks - Lego Show at The Excel Centre

Here is a collection of my photos from The Lego Exhibition at The Excel Centre, for more of the photos check out my Instagram Account