Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Filtering by Tag: Charity

Singing for Sanctuary- Sat 28th Jan

You are invited to join a sea of voices Singing for Sanctuary in the magnificent St Bartholomew’s Church, Brighton this Saturday 28th January 2017 for a massed choir fundraising event. 

Singing for Sanctuary is a community, open-access event for those who love singing together to support the efforts of charities who work with people living in challenging situations.

This is our first year and we have chosen the charities RISE UK, Voices in Exile and Miss Represented to sing for.

We are absolutely delighted that Peggy Seeger, the Radio 2 Award winner for Best Original Song for Swim to the Star, supports Brighton Sings. Peggy says:

“Every song a gem, hopeful and inclusive. Everyone singing every one of the songs.  Every pound made donated to charity. The start of a trend that will spread to everywhere. Heart-warmers: the concept, the songs, the singers.”  Peggy Seeger

Featuring a diverse repertoire of song – from shape note to blues, Brazilian jazz to South African solidarity, and folk to (choral) big beat and including choral contributions from folk legend Peggy Seeger and gospel great John Mark Harrison intertwined with performances by local singer songwriter, Mike Reinstein and Brazilian musician and artist, Gui Tavares.

Our choir have been rehearsing independently and attendingworkshops to ensure a gorgeous four-part harmony performance for you.

Brighton Sings is a brand new movement for Brighton – one which we hope will become an annual event.

2017 for Bright Green Penguin

What has 2017 planned for Bright Green Penguin

Last year I applied for Share Your Story's Live A Good Life award & managed to get a place. This award gives me a place on their program, which is all about helping people tell a good life story.

My application was about Bright Green Penguin, and how I want to transform it, make it better. So going to use this blog post to think about some of my ideas

First off, what is the purpose of Bright Green Penguin (BGP). I wanted to do something to help improve the world. I never know what impact I have, if I have any at all but I still do this because I believe the world can only get better if everyone makes an impact not matter how small it is.

How do I want to make the world a better place? By sharing, promoting, championing great ideas, creatives, community initiatives which I hope may inspire other people. Like buying from local shops through the great #justacard campaign. Or volunteering while getting fit with Good Gym

So what do I want to achieve 2017?

I want to make BGP more real, not just a Twitter & Facebook account


Ideas I have include

  • Offering pay as you feel consultancy
  • Setting up networking events
  • Become an online store or sell local designers crafts at Art Fairs / Craft Fairs
  • Looking at what recycling options I can offer
  • Creating a game which helps promote the three Cs of BGP - creative, charity & community
  • Create a hub where people can share ideas
  • Offer a connection service, i.e. if you are a company looking for a charity to support, or a community project looking for sponsors
  • Create an leaflet / map promoting the local shops & community projects which need supporting

Plus also I will be developing Brighton Bricks, my adult fan of Lego group.

If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions please let me know at




Charity Raffle - Raising Money for Rise

You maybe aware I'm am doing a 100km walk at the end of August, raising money for Sussex based charity Rise

I am holding a raffle, which tickets can be bought online (see below) and having extended the raffle from my recent charity night I be looking at an venue/event this month to draw the tickets (Any suggestions please let me know)

Tickets are £2 each, and you can buy tickets in advance by donating to my Justgiving page

And in the comments section say Raffle tickets, and a contact email address, and I will then email you photos of your raffle tickets.

Prizes include

Print by Linescapes

Seedbombs from Foodshed

Prints by Leighisinkpixel

Lunch for 2 at Chilli Pickle

Books by Queen Spark Books

£30 voucher for Fatta a Mano

Star Wars Print from Manic Minotaur

and Prizes from

Dice Salon

Made Brighton

Painting Pottery Cafe

Present in the Lane

Bedsit Games

Just DayDreaming

Bison Beer

Art Shop and Pottery

Any questions email me at

Result of Week 10 Training #SouthCoastChallenge

The results of Week 10 of my training plan for the South Coast Challenge, 1 00km walk I am doing for charity in August

Sponsor me at

 Below is what I was meant to do this week

Mon 18th - 40 mins Aerobic
Tue 19th - 1 Hour Interval
Wed 20th - 30 mins Aerobic
Thur 21st - Cross Training
Fri 22nd - Rest
Sat 23rd - 4 Hour Walk
Sun 24th - 4 Hour Walk

And here is what I did

Mon 18th - Rest

Tue 19th - 45 mins Aerobic
Indoor Bike - 30 mins Interval Setting covering 7.41 miles
10 mins on 5 weight machines, doing 2 mins on each. Aiming to do more reps than previously, which I achieved on 3 of the 5.
5 mins on the step machine doing 318 steps

Wed 20th - Rest

Thur 21st - 34 mins Aerobic
10 mins up and down the stairs at home, going up and down 61 times
24 mins on my mini indoor bike at home

Fri 22nd - Rest

Sat 23rd - 4 Hour Walk
Ended up doing 4hrs 27 mins covering 15.27 miles at a pace of 17.32. I went up and down a lot of hills, and tried to do most of the walking in the South Downs

Sun 24th - 4 Hour Walk
I ended up only having time for a 3 hour walk today, so decided to do a fast one. So stuck to mostly roads, still did hills and stuff. So good speed walk, except when facing the onslaught of tourists when walking around town. Did 11.05 miles in 3hrs at a pace of 16.18

Mention last week how people in the countryside are friendly, everyone says hi. When I walk in town you never get any of this communication. Again didn't do as much gym as possible, but the combination of feeling so tired and life getting in the way. But will try to get there a few times this week

This Friday is my Lip Sync Challenge, a night of fun helping me raise money for RISE
See the event here on Facebook

Week 11 - Training Plan
Mon 25th - 30 mins Aerobic
Tue 26th - Rest
Wed 27th - 45 mins Aerobic
Thur 28th - Cross Training
Fri 29th - Rest & Party night.
Sat 30th - 7 Hour Walk
Sun 31st - 5 Hour Walk

Result of Week 7 Training #SouthCoastChallenge

The results of Week 7 of my training plan for the South Coast Challenge, 1 00km walk I am doing for charity in August

Sponsor me at

 Below is what I was meant to do this week

Mon 27th - 30 mins Walk
Tue 28th - 1 Hour Walk
Wed 29th - Rest
Thur 30th - 45 mins Walk
Fri 1st July - 30 mins Aerobic
Sat 2nd July - 3.5 Hour Walk
Sun 3rd July - 2.5 Hour Walk

Mon 27th June
Did a 2.78 mile walk in 46m 1s at a pace of 16.32

Tue 28th June
Did a 3.63 mile walk in 1hr 53s at a pace of 16.47

Wed 29th June
Rest day

Thur 30th June
Rest day

Fri 1st July
Did a 3.70 mile walk in 1hr 1s at a pace of 16.14

Sat 2nd July
Did a 17 mile walk in 4 hours 37 mins 22 seconds at a pace of 16.19. This was a walk from Goring On Sea to Brighton, with a slightly detour at Shoreham where I ended up doing a couple more miles than needed. Really nice walk along the sea front. I have been enjoying these long walks as it lets me listen to my podcasts such as The Cycling Podcast, Fighting Talk and Serial

Sun 3rd July
Was planning to do indoor bike, but ended up a rest day

So overall happy with training so far, especially as still getting over the chesty cough I have been having for the last two weeks. 

So my Week 8 Training Schedule is as follows

Mon 4th - Rest
Tue 5th - 35 mins Aerobic
Wed 6th - 50 mins Aerobic
Thur 7th - 1 Hour Walk
Fri 8th - Rest
Sat 9th - Rest
Sun 10th - 5 Hour Walk

A few things about RISE #SouthCoastChallenge

One of the reasons I am doing the South Coast Challenge is so I can raise money for charity, and when I was thinking which charity I wanted to support (they are so many great charities out there!) I wanted to find a charity, which not only did great work, and they would also support me.

Having supported RISE by volunteering for them at the Brighton Half Marathon, and also attending their Stick It On fundraising event, i knew they would be a great match

Here are a few facts about RISE

  • Formed in 1994
  • RISE stands for Refuge, Information, Support and Education
  • Every year RISE helpline staff handle over 4,000 calls
  • The helpline is staffed Monday to Friday during office hours, and is 0300 323 9985
  • RISE provide crisis accommodation in a refuge for women and children escaping domestic abuse.
  • RISE have an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) in the A&E department of Sussex County Hospital
  • Domestic Abuse Drop-In Surgery at Hove Town Hall every Wednesday 10 am - 12 pm
  • Helpline, IDVA & Drop In Surgery services also available for male victims of domestic abuse
  • Support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People
  • Become a RISE Champion and help be the bridge from RISE to the community
  • RISE hosting various events from DJ nights to Quiz nights to Choir Concerts & many more
  • Upcoming events include Creatives Clothes Chat on 21st June, find out about how you can change your clothes to create a more exciting wardrobe
  • Take part in their fundraising 8K Undercliff Run in October
  • Have launched The Portal in 2016, a one stop shop for survivors in Brighton & Hove, and East Sussex. Website visitors can choose from a number of options, including advice for friends and family and a referral pathway for professionals.

Result of Week 4 Training #SouthCoastChallenge

Have now done a month's training for August's South Coast Challenge, and the results of week 4 are

Mon 6th June - Rest

Tue 7th June - 45 mins Aerobic
Rowing Machine - 20.07 mins covering 3543 metres
Indoor Bike - 25 mins covering 6.48 miles. Every 2 mins I went up a Level to Level 8 and then back down

Wed 8th June - 40 mins Aerobic
Rowing Machine - 20.07 mins covering 3859 metres
Indoor Bike - 20.02 mins covering 5.01 miles on Rolling Hills setting

Thur 9th June - 1 Hour Walk
Got off the train at Preston Park and did an hour walk

Fri 10th June - Rest

Sat 11th June - 3 Hour Walk
After last week's walk in the countryside up and down hills. This time did a nice walk from home to Hove Park to Portslade and then along the seafront, and back home via Kemptown. In total 3 hours 5 mins covering 11.05 miles. Felt fine, had a good pace and legs were tired but not tired where I couldn't go on for longer.

Sun 12th June - Rest
Well needed rest

Week 5 Training Plan
13/6 - Cross-Training
14/6 - Rest
15/6 - 30 mins Aerobic
16/6 - 45 mins Aerobic
17/6 - Rest
18/6 - 3 Hour Walk
19/6 - 1.5 Hour Walk

Don't forget you can sponsor me at

103 Days To Go

103 Days To Go until the South Coast Challenge

Today is day 1 of my official training plan, and the best thing is it is a rest day

So my schedule for this week is

Mon - Rest
Tue - 20 mins Aerobic
Wed - 30 mins Aerobic
Thur - Cross Training
Fri - Rest
Sat - 2 Hour Walk
Sun - Rest

Will be posting on Sunday how my training week goes. 

Set up my fundraising page for this event (shameless plug)

So now thinking of fundraising ideas, and have a few in mind. But if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

1. Second Hand Book Sale - one at work in London and would need to find a venue in Brighton

2. Offer people twitter / social media / business advice in exchange for charity donation.

3. Lego Fire Walk

4. Asking People very nicely!