Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

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Brighton Film Club

a monthly short indie film screening

A new short film night. Every month we will curate a screening of a series of short films submitted from artists all over the world, chosen by us. We will showcase around 20 films a month. The screenings will be the second yo last Tuesday every month at Patterns.

Submit your short film anytime and we will contact you if we want to use it for the months Brighton Film Club. We will be looking for themes in the submissions so if your film fits into one of the following themes, please put the month if your application. If it doesn't please submit your film anyway.

November - Winter - Deadline 11th Nov

December - Festive - Deadline 4th Dec

Janurary - New beginnings  - Deadline 12th Jan

February - Love / Heart break - Deadline 9th Feb

For Short Films / Animation Submissions Click HERE