Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Filtering by Tag: Creative Event

Art Based Content Wanted for SouthWaves Radio

SouthWaves Radio are on the lookout for volunteers to contribute content to our varied schedule. While we would welcome local music based programmes, we are currently searching for arts based content.

Poets, people with opinions and more; we want to hear from you. Length of content can be between 10 and 30 minutes, either on a one off or regular basis.

It doesn't matter if you've never done it before, we welcome all. There is no need for fancy equipment, even just a tablet, phone or laptop will do.

Email for more information!

SouthWaves Radio is a non-profit internet radio station based in the South of England, run by people with Autism

Fairytale Fair Christmas Market in Patcham, Brighton

Had a great time visiting the Fairytale Fair, seeing some of the great makers I have seen before and some new ones.

So here below is a list of some of the great sellers who were there

Pomelo Crafts  


Kittys Stitches


Art of Fielding

Brighton Film & Comic Con: The Sellers

This weekend in Brighton was Showmaster's Film & Comic Con with star names like John Hurt, Carl Weathers, James Marsters, and George A Romero.

There were also lots of great sellers there, everything from vintage toys to T-shirts to jewellery to art work, so I am going to do a little list below of some of the great people I saw (BFCC is my short hand for the Brighton Film & Comic Con). Will be adding to this post when I have gone through a lot of the business cards / flyers / photos I took 


Iconz T-shirts via their EBAY Store Featuring wide range of popular culture characters. At the BFCC there were selling stickers and mugs

Iconz T-shirts via their EBAY Store Featuring wide range of popular culture characters. At the BFCC there were selling stickers and mugs

Hobbs Lane - produce series of T-Shirts inspired by films like Jaws, Alien, Shawshank Redemption, and The Exorcist via there website

Hobbs Lane - produce series of T-Shirts inspired by films like Jaws, Alien, Shawshank Redemption, and The Exorcist via there website

Snikt and Bamf produce jewellery and homeware based on movies like Jurassic Park, Iron Man, Captain America, Star Wars, Batman etc. Available via their website

Snikt and Bamf produce jewellery and homeware based on movies like Jurassic Park, Iron Man, Captain America, Star Wars, Batman etc. Available via their website

Oxford Brick Art produce stunning and unique art mosaics and prints, all Lego based. Personalised and commissioned mosaics are possible. Available via their website

Oxford Brick Art produce stunning and unique art mosaics and prints, all Lego based. Personalised and commissioned mosaics are possible. Available via their website

Geeky Cool is handmade jewellery based off Disney movies, Lego, Superheroes available conventions and on their website

Geeky Cool is handmade jewellery based off Disney movies, Lego, Superheroes available conventions and on their website

Baku Forest Studios have an interesting collection of necklaces, earrings and notebooks on their Etsy Store

Baku Forest Studios have an interesting collection of necklaces, earrings and notebooks on their Etsy Store

Down the Rabbitt Hole makers of both Clockwork and Acrylic Jewellery. Available via their website

Down the Rabbitt Hole makers of both Clockwork and Acrylic Jewellery. Available via their website

Twilight Theatre produces a range of full and half face masks. Available via Etsy

Twilight Theatre produces a range of full and half face masks. Available via Etsy

ComicConArtist produces excellent comic based artwork available via his Etsy store

ComicConArtist produces excellent comic based artwork available via his Etsy store

Frodo in Wonderland maker of curious things, like chopping boards with Japanese & popular culture images burnt into them. Available via Etsy

Frodo in Wonderland maker of curious things, like chopping boards with Japanese & popular culture images burnt into them. Available via Etsy

Geek Boutique, a Bournemouth shop selling geek inspired clothes and homeware for fangirls and fan boys. Check out their website

Geek Boutique, a Bournemouth shop selling geek inspired clothes and homeware for fangirls and fan boys. Check out their website

Artwork and Illustrations by Becky Knapp. Available via her website

Artwork and Illustrations by Becky Knapp. Available via her website

The Art of Paul Malone, artist and illustrator with Posters, Metal plates and T-Shirts available via his website

The Art of Paul Malone, artist and illustrator with Posters, Metal plates and T-Shirts available via his website

SM-Artworks produce a range of Sci-Fi / Popular Culture limited edition prints & commissions. Check out website

SM-Artworks produce a range of Sci-Fi / Popular Culture limited edition prints & commissions. Check out website

Retrospective22 home to custom consoles. Check them on at

Retrospective22 home to custom consoles. Check them on at

After wandering around a film & comic con for a while, energy levels drop and fudge from The Galloway Fudge Company is best way to get that energy back. Check their website out

After wandering around a film & comic con for a while, energy levels drop and fudge from The Galloway Fudge Company is best way to get that energy back. Check their website out

Jason Freeny - Artist

Only discovered Jason Freeny, an artist/designer fairly recently (either someone sent me the link to his Lego anatomy figure, or I found it by luck) and discovered what amazing stuff he has done. I am such a big toy geek, so seeing how he specialise in designer toys made me check out his stuff. He also specialise in sculpture and computer generated imagery.

Jason created his first fictional anatomy illustration in 2000 with his depiction of the mythological "Incubus". His first anatomical digital illustration in 2007with "Pneumatic Anatomica" balloon animal anatomy and his first anatomical sculpt in 2010 with an anatomical Dunny. 

Armed with a youthful, overactive imagination, Jason creates smart, intricate works that tickle the deviant intellect through a mix of hard graphics, detailed anatomy, pop iconography and wit.

Jason went full time as a working artist in 2010 and can now be found hunched over his work table developing works of candy colored madness. He set up Moist Production Studio

More great work by Jason


Couple of places to buy Jason's work from in the US (will ship to the UK). 

Mighty Jaxx

Suburban Vinyl

Brighton Film Club

a monthly short indie film screening

A new short film night. Every month we will curate a screening of a series of short films submitted from artists all over the world, chosen by us. We will showcase around 20 films a month. The screenings will be the second yo last Tuesday every month at Patterns.

Submit your short film anytime and we will contact you if we want to use it for the months Brighton Film Club. We will be looking for themes in the submissions so if your film fits into one of the following themes, please put the month if your application. If it doesn't please submit your film anyway.

November - Winter - Deadline 11th Nov

December - Festive - Deadline 4th Dec

Janurary - New beginnings  - Deadline 12th Jan

February - Love / Heart break - Deadline 9th Feb

For Short Films / Animation Submissions Click HERE

Bright Green Penguins Guide to Christmas Cards

Why send the same Christmas card as everyone else, why not send something different, and you can also help support independent designers, shops and galleries

So I am going to post lots of great card designs, which can be bought of sites like Etsy, from craft fairs, galleries or independent shops.

So click on the card you like to take you through to the site which sells the cards

Part of the inspiration behind my Christmas Card blog is the #justacard campaign to encourage people to buy from independent shops, galleries & designers.

Part of the inspiration behind my Christmas Card blog is the #justacard campaign to encourage people to buy from independent shops, galleries & designers.

The @JudiDoodleCat Crowdfunding Campagin

See the Go Funding Me Campagin by Judi Doodle Cat, who create body doodling events. 

Go Funding Me is a crowdfunding site, which doesn't require you to have goals or deadlines. 

See Judi Doodle Cat's Campagin below

Many of you will have heard of, if not experienced, the ludicrous mayhem and legendary silliness of The Playpen, and world-famous-in-Brighton Bodydoodling. Some of you will not. (There are vid links for you!) 

I invented these things whilst playing, and with them and the people who stumble into them, I make art happenings that centre on play. 

The art of play is one with which we all were born . Many of us have forgotten how, but play has not lost its power just because we are adults. Aimless play allows us to relax, reconnect, laugh with our whole bodies, experience our bodies as Art and without shame, revert to childhood innocence and in that place, often, remember that we are creative because we are Human, not because we have a talent.
Art is the birthright of our species.

I long to get the money together to fund the purchase of a Playbus - a vehicle capable of taking the Doodlecats on tour around this country. Spreading the love, the silliness, the fun and the GLITTER; breaking down barriers and providing an antidote to Austerity.  The figure £25000 is a dream number, not unattainable I'm sure, but certainly we could do many things with less if we had to. In part the figure takes into account that
I believe in paid work, and I want to pay the artists who work with me. And I want what we offer to be free at the point of delivery. 
I hope that if we can get the bus and the first tour funded, with your help, we will be in a position to apply for Arts Council funding to continue into the future.
If you believe that joy can save lives, like I do, please give generously. As silly as it all is, it is a truly transformative and healing thing too. It deserves to live, and it needs your help to grow.  

Bright Green Penguins's Guide to Christmas Gifts

Since I follow so many great creatives out there, I want to help support them and with Christmas coming up, what better idea is there than having the Bright Green Penguin's Guide to Christmas Gifts. I will be keeping this post update with more and more cool items. I am trying to find items, which will appeal to a variety of people, but all of them I think are cool.

So happy shopping! (and if you know anyone I should be featuring let me know)

Also this list is my part in trying to encourage the #justacard campaign, which is all about encouraging people to support local designers and shops. Click on the link below to find out more

The Christmas List

Will start off with Chocolate, as who wouldn't 

Last day to nominate a Giving Tuesday Ambassador

2nd Dec is Giving Tuesday, this is a global campaign in response to the recent rise of Black Friday & Cyber Monday 

It is all about promoting the act of giving, be it donating or volunteering your time, or helping to spread the word about how important giving is. I know from personal experience, over a decade ago something happened which made me realise events such as Christmas, the feeling you get from giving can out weigh the act of receiving a gift  

I have supported this, which is why one of the reasons I set up to promote all the great people I know, who's aims are about giving back. Best example I can recommend is The Good Gym, a running group who combine getting fit with doing good deeds in the community  

So today (29th Oct) is the last day to nominate a Giving Tuesday Ambassador for the UK, someone you think represents what giving is all about. This can be someone who gives a lot of their time volunteering or someone who has done amazing fundraising or someone you feel gives a lot to their community 

See below for details how to nominate

Brighton Bricks - The Dream

Thanks to everyone who came along to last nights Brighton Bricks meet up

Good work was done on our logo idea, still a bit more tinkering & we should be done 

This post is about two things, one to say this group is open to anyone who loves Lego & lives in the Brighton area. So feel free to spread the word about Brighton Bricks, come up with ideas about the groups directions. Ideas for events or ways to attract new members  

So if you have ideas or suggestions about the following let me know: 

  • Future events
  • Event location  - still at Alcampo or if people have any other suggestions
  • Events to be held evenings or weekends (or both) 
  • How often should we have meet ups
  • Activities for future events  
  • Ways to attract new members  
  • Org or people we should connect with  
  • Other Lego groups we can do partnerships with  

The second thing is about my future ambitions for this group. The main one is to register as an Lego User Group (LUG), so we can enjoy the benefits of support from the Lego Group. We can only do this after being an active group for 12 months 

I'm planning from next year to see if I can set up a stall at one of the many craft fairs throughout Brighton, selling Lego Minifigures  as well as stuff like Lego Crayons (I made them using the Lego ice cube moulds) and raising awareness of the group 

My grand idea I would love to do is set up our own Lego exhibition at a venue in Brighton, where we can display models, have sellers etc. Of course this is a long way off but it is good to have something to aim form  

So please feel free to post to the Facebook page or to our Twitter account if you have any ideas or can help us grow in any way 

Why To Vote for Parkhall Business Centre in Time Out's LoveLondonAwards

Time Out have their annual Love London Awards, which is all about celebrating great places to eat, shop, grab a coffee, etc. The voting is split into different neighbours and different categories in each of these areas. You can vote for one business in each category so plenty to vote for.

And one of the people I recommend voting for is Parkhall Business Centre, in the Dulwich / West Norwood area, so click on the link below and click vote for Parkhall (you have to register to vote)

And if you want to know why to vote for Parkhall Business Centre read on

Parkhall Business Centre is home to so many great businesses, and I will be listing some below, highlighting the many great products available online, the great workshops / courses which are run, and the popups which take place there

First one to start off with is


A British Brand with it's heart planted firmly in the great outdoors. Using striking silhouettes to bring a touch of fun to homewares and outdoor lifestyle accessories. You can buy online, and they are holding a sample sale at Parkhall on the 30th/31st. For details click HERE

Volcano Coffee Works 

Not only is the Volcano Coffee Works cafe in Parkhall, serving their incredible coffee, great food (including Rococo Chocolates, more on that later!), you can also buy their coffee beans there. Volcano who have their roastery at Parkhall produce a range of gourmet small batch specialty coffee. Sourcing the worlds finest coffees to design blends for espresso & exceptional seasonal coffees perfect for filer coffee. All the coffees are crafted using restored and tweaked vintage coffee roasters. Coffee is available to buy for the home, as well as wholesale and supplies cafes and coffee shops.

Rigby & Mac

The online sibling of three award-winning family run London lifestyle stores, the dulwich trader, ed and tomlinsons. Rigby & Mac offer unique range of home decor, great selection of tableware, home accessories, lighting, kitchenware, mirrors and small furniture. Perfect place for gifts like below

Rococo Chocolates

If you love chocolate, and who doesn't then you need to check out Rococo, who have several shops around London (and one in Chester). Parkhall is their chocolate factory, and you can buy bars from the Volcano Cafe

Tilly and the Buttons

Treat yourself to sewing workshops with Tilly and the Buttons, learn dress making in their bright and inspiring studio within Parkhall. Workshops are 6-8 Max, so you will meet like-minded people in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Tilly also offers online workshops on her website, where you can also purchase sewing patterns & her book

GAS Gallery

GAS is a gallery, agency and consultancy that works with a select pool of artists and designers to product limited edition prints and original art works. Not only are they based at Parkhall, they have held popup sales here


Floppy Toast

Design studio creating original digital prints of very limited runs, ensuring your home will be as individual as you are

Martin West Bespoke Art Services

Now you have your art, you need it framing, and the best person to do this is Martin West, who is  the official recommended framer of the Royal Academy of Arts, as well as offering a full served bespoke service to design and create the ideal picture frame to display your artwork,


Inspiring, practical photography workshops in their studio at Parkhall is what it is all about. Makelight is Emily Quentin, author of the book Maker Spaces. They offer both online and in person workshops, all about helping creatives improve their photography enabling them to communicate in a visual manner on social media mediums such as Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook & Etsy.


Fancy learning how to make jewellery, then check out Centrepunch, who offer everything from short courses to bespoke training, to mentoring and support for people wanting to get into the jewellery industry. All delivered from their workshop at Parkhall. Centrepunch also have several jewellery popups through the year at Parkhall, showing the excellent work done there.

Claudi & Fin

Delicious Greek style frozen yoghurts currently available in strawberry & mango, and available from supermarkets such as Sainsburys, Waitrose, Ocado & Budgens. Claudi & Fin HQ is at Parkhall, and in fact the lollies were part of a recent #BeersAndLollies event there and went down very well

Fast Forward Time

Online reeler of all types of camera equipment from audio, dollies, DSLR rigs, jibs & cranes, lighting, monitors, stabilisers as well as tripods & stands.

Vini Italiani

Operate a store & wine bar in West London, as well having online & wholesale. All about highlighting the great wines Italy has to offer

And a few more

Dulwich Vinters - An online wine retailer, as well having their own wine shop in East Dulwich

Louise Taylor Flowers - Florist

Bopster - Online retailer of video games, consoles and toys.

Vapefiend - The Vaporiser Specialists

Hello Geronimo - Button or Badge Collages & Prints available online or in stores 

Fancy Moon - Online fabric, sewing and haberdashery shop 

Graphical Sign - Specialists in large format digital printing  

Sport Photo Gallery - Massive collection of sport photography, which can be purchased as prints, framed, canvas, acrylics. Everything from Rugby, Cricket, Golf, Football and many more

Photos: Fairy Tale Fair Sunday 25th October Brighton Open Market

Photos from today's visit to the Fairy Tale Fair at Brighton Open Market, as well as Studio45 

Elizabeth Anne Norris - Jewellery Workshops

Interested in learning jewellery in the Sussex area then check out Elizabeth Anne Norris, who teaches adults silver jewellery in her workshop in Shoreham.

Students work in silver or base metals learning traditional silversmithing and jewellery techniques. Students learn how to use hand tools, some electronic tools and a propane gas torch essential for metalwork. Tuition options are available for complete beginners and those who want to improve their skills. One to one or small group learning, in my experience, is the very best way to learn. Learn at your own pace in an enjoyable relaxed environment. 

Click on the current class options below for more info:

1-2-1 Jewellery Tuition - private one to one tuition

3 hour Silver Ring Making Workshop - for one or two students (as featured in The Guardian)

Gold Ring Making Workshop - for one or two students

3 hour Silver Earring Making Workshop - for one or two students

3 hour Silver Bangle Making Workshop - for one or two students

NEW! 3 hour Silver Pendant Making Workshop - for one or two students


Looking for Gift Vouchers for Birthdays, Christmas, Leaving Gifts or any time Click Here.

Check here for *!Special Offers!*

Please call for more information or to look around the workshop. You can also book your classes online.

Many thanks.

M: 0777 339 4413 or click here for my contact page