Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

The @JudiDoodleCat Crowdfunding Campagin

See the Go Funding Me Campagin by Judi Doodle Cat, who create body doodling events. 

Go Funding Me is a crowdfunding site, which doesn't require you to have goals or deadlines. 

See Judi Doodle Cat's Campagin below

Many of you will have heard of, if not experienced, the ludicrous mayhem and legendary silliness of The Playpen, and world-famous-in-Brighton Bodydoodling. Some of you will not. (There are vid links for you!) 

I invented these things whilst playing, and with them and the people who stumble into them, I make art happenings that centre on play. 

The art of play is one with which we all were born . Many of us have forgotten how, but play has not lost its power just because we are adults. Aimless play allows us to relax, reconnect, laugh with our whole bodies, experience our bodies as Art and without shame, revert to childhood innocence and in that place, often, remember that we are creative because we are Human, not because we have a talent.
Art is the birthright of our species.

I long to get the money together to fund the purchase of a Playbus - a vehicle capable of taking the Doodlecats on tour around this country. Spreading the love, the silliness, the fun and the GLITTER; breaking down barriers and providing an antidote to Austerity.  The figure £25000 is a dream number, not unattainable I'm sure, but certainly we could do many things with less if we had to. In part the figure takes into account that
I believe in paid work, and I want to pay the artists who work with me. And I want what we offer to be free at the point of delivery. 
I hope that if we can get the bus and the first tour funded, with your help, we will be in a position to apply for Arts Council funding to continue into the future.
If you believe that joy can save lives, like I do, please give generously. As silly as it all is, it is a truly transformative and healing thing too. It deserves to live, and it needs your help to grow.