Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Filtering by Tag: Crowdfunding

Hummingbird Project - Crowdfunding Appeal to Help Refugees in Calais

See below post from The Hummingbird Project, a large group of Activists from Brighton who support Refugees in Calais, Dunkirk, and locally in Brighton have a crowd funding campaign to help them carry out their work

Read below to find out what they have been working on.

The kindness of our Donors has allowed us to build a medical clinic in the "Jungle" in Calais, which we run every weekend with our Hummingbird Doctors and Nurses. We also have volunteers who run a tea kitchen serving over 1000 hot drinks every weekend in either Calais or Dunkirk camps.

We will be soon launching an Art and Wellbeing Safe Space in the centre of the Jungle. This will be a place for people to keep warm, dry and and engage in creative and comforting activities.

We have a group of 200+ builders who are a big force locally, as well as in the camps of Dunkirk and Calais. Our builders lead the way in building shelters for refugees, and help maintain the upkeep of existing shelters. We also help provide essential fire safety equipment in the camp, and have delivered 235 fire extinguishers, to date.

Locally, Hummingbirds are launching campaigns and are busy using art as a form of peaceful activism and protest. We are often making banners, we make ‘Refugees Welcome’ Poster Campaigns, and use installations to raise awareness of human rights and remind the public of the conditions in the camps.

The Hummingbirds alongside Children of Calais are supporting Brighton Voices in Exile in supplying emergency aid to refugees that have just arrived in East Sussex.

Caroline Lucas and Keith Taylor of the Green Party have both sent letters of support to the Hummingbirds for all their dedication to working in solidarity with refugees.

The money raised will go on the overall running costs of the projects which can include (but is not exhaustive) refugee aid, medical supplies, travel expenses and volunteer expenses.



Bison Beer v Burger King: A Crowdfunding Campaign for Brighton

On Friday 27th November was the start date of Bison Beer's Crowdfunding campaign. Bison Beer are a small bottleshop very show walk away from Brighton Beach, stocking beers from around the world.

Their crowdfunding campaign is to revive the derelict site Clarendon Mansions at 80 East Street, Brighton and turn it in The Bison Arms, which will be created and run by a local collective of small business owners in Brighton & Hove

One of the big reasons for this appeal is to stop Burger King from taking over this site, and turning it into another one of their restaurants. Local residents have expressed concerns about this effecting the character of the Brighton Lanes. A online petition was started to keep Burger King out of the lanes, and achieved 3,000 names in just 4 hours, and got over 11,500 names in total.

The character of Brighton Lanes (and the North Laine) is all about local businesses, small shops and businesses, which create a unique shopping experience and makes it different from the typical highstreet, where it is just chain stores.

The crowdfunding appeal means that investors big and small from the local community can contribute to this project, and have a stake in a business which will grow (as well as other stakeholder benefits such as discount!)

As well as Bison Beer working with local breweries for craft beers and real ales, the plan would be to have the design and look of the interiors worked on by local artists and creatives 

Check out the crowdfunding appeal

#CookandCreche A FoodShed Brighton Project

Foodshed Brighton, is an new social enterprise in the Brighton Open Market. An educational Food Hub working with local producers and community projects in and around Brighton & Hove

A project run by the Foodshed Co-op in association with the Salvation Army Brighton.

It is a 6 week cookery course with a crèche  provided.

The cost and availability of childcare is often a barrier to education for many parents, especially those on a low income or in receipt of benefits.

Cook & Crèche will target social isolation, peer to peer support and skill-sharing between adults and widen children's early experiences of new foods and healthy eating. 
The course entry fee costs £3.50 per family per week materials and crèche included.

We need to raise £2000 to make this course happen and sponsoring a family will help with our fundraising efforts and every little helps.

If you would like to attend the course please get in touch

If you would like to sponsor a family to attend please click their sponsor button on their website

The @JudiDoodleCat Crowdfunding Campagin

See the Go Funding Me Campagin by Judi Doodle Cat, who create body doodling events. 

Go Funding Me is a crowdfunding site, which doesn't require you to have goals or deadlines. 

See Judi Doodle Cat's Campagin below

Many of you will have heard of, if not experienced, the ludicrous mayhem and legendary silliness of The Playpen, and world-famous-in-Brighton Bodydoodling. Some of you will not. (There are vid links for you!) 

I invented these things whilst playing, and with them and the people who stumble into them, I make art happenings that centre on play. 

The art of play is one with which we all were born . Many of us have forgotten how, but play has not lost its power just because we are adults. Aimless play allows us to relax, reconnect, laugh with our whole bodies, experience our bodies as Art and without shame, revert to childhood innocence and in that place, often, remember that we are creative because we are Human, not because we have a talent.
Art is the birthright of our species.

I long to get the money together to fund the purchase of a Playbus - a vehicle capable of taking the Doodlecats on tour around this country. Spreading the love, the silliness, the fun and the GLITTER; breaking down barriers and providing an antidote to Austerity.  The figure £25000 is a dream number, not unattainable I'm sure, but certainly we could do many things with less if we had to. In part the figure takes into account that
I believe in paid work, and I want to pay the artists who work with me. And I want what we offer to be free at the point of delivery. 
I hope that if we can get the bus and the first tour funded, with your help, we will be in a position to apply for Arts Council funding to continue into the future.
If you believe that joy can save lives, like I do, please give generously. As silly as it all is, it is a truly transformative and healing thing too. It deserves to live, and it needs your help to grow.  

Earthship Brighton - Crowdfunding appeal

Earthship Brighton have a crowdfunding appeal going on with

Earthship Brighton is the sustainable community centre for Stanmer Organics. This is a not-for-profit consortium representing 15 different groups operating at Stanmer Park, a 17 acre Soil Association accredited piece of land on the outskirts of Brighton. Earthship Brighton is the first project of the Low Carbon Trust, a not-for-profit co-operative company formed in 2001 to highlight the connection between buildings, the carbon emissions they produce and climate change through innovative construction projects and communications work. 

Earthship Brighton, the first in England, is a beautiful structure made from recycled car tyres and sustainably sourced timber with adobe walls. We have a large glazed area which is south facing to maximise passive solar gain and solar water heating panels on the roof to provide hot water. Our electricity comes from photo-voltaics and a wind turbine and all our water is harvested from the rain. With our grey water being treated with planters and a reed-bed system for our black water, plus composting toilets, we will be able to recycle all of our human waste on site. The Earthship therefore gives us a glimpse of a luxury low carbon future - how a zero waste and zero energy society might look. 

Inside the building there is a meeting room which can seat around 40 people theatre-style plus kitchen facilities and a relaxing atrium area. There is also an outside space that will increase seating capacity for events to 100. The Low Carbon Trust gives regular tours of the Earthship and we also offer training in low and zero carbon design and provide consultancy to community groups, companies and individuals all around the UK to seed and develop their own projects.