Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Kickstarter: eXXhibition, making the unseen through art

Candy Medusa of Black Dwarf Designs has launched a Kickstarter campaign. Candy is an artist, illustrator & marine biologist specialising in digital media, pen and ink & mixed media. Much of her inspiration is from nature. See below for examples of her artwork 

The Kickstarter campaign is to raise money to allow her to join eXXpedition in 2016, whom are an all-female crew on scientific research mission exploring the world's oceans while creating inspiring narratives of female leadership and personal and environmental exploration. 

Learning about the impact of plastic pollution in the oceans will lead to a solo art exhibition once Candy is back. As well as running workshops where people can learn about the problem and create their own artwork on the this theme. 

To find out more details about this Kickstarter campaign and the rewards which are on offer check out the link below