Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Result of Week 4 Training #SouthCoastChallenge

Have now done a month's training for August's South Coast Challenge, and the results of week 4 are

Mon 6th June - Rest

Tue 7th June - 45 mins Aerobic
Rowing Machine - 20.07 mins covering 3543 metres
Indoor Bike - 25 mins covering 6.48 miles. Every 2 mins I went up a Level to Level 8 and then back down

Wed 8th June - 40 mins Aerobic
Rowing Machine - 20.07 mins covering 3859 metres
Indoor Bike - 20.02 mins covering 5.01 miles on Rolling Hills setting

Thur 9th June - 1 Hour Walk
Got off the train at Preston Park and did an hour walk

Fri 10th June - Rest

Sat 11th June - 3 Hour Walk
After last week's walk in the countryside up and down hills. This time did a nice walk from home to Hove Park to Portslade and then along the seafront, and back home via Kemptown. In total 3 hours 5 mins covering 11.05 miles. Felt fine, had a good pace and legs were tired but not tired where I couldn't go on for longer.

Sun 12th June - Rest
Well needed rest

Week 5 Training Plan
13/6 - Cross-Training
14/6 - Rest
15/6 - 30 mins Aerobic
16/6 - 45 mins Aerobic
17/6 - Rest
18/6 - 3 Hour Walk
19/6 - 1.5 Hour Walk

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