Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Result of Week 10 Training #SouthCoastChallenge

The results of Week 10 of my training plan for the South Coast Challenge, 1 00km walk I am doing for charity in August

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 Below is what I was meant to do this week

Mon 18th - 40 mins Aerobic
Tue 19th - 1 Hour Interval
Wed 20th - 30 mins Aerobic
Thur 21st - Cross Training
Fri 22nd - Rest
Sat 23rd - 4 Hour Walk
Sun 24th - 4 Hour Walk

And here is what I did

Mon 18th - Rest

Tue 19th - 45 mins Aerobic
Indoor Bike - 30 mins Interval Setting covering 7.41 miles
10 mins on 5 weight machines, doing 2 mins on each. Aiming to do more reps than previously, which I achieved on 3 of the 5.
5 mins on the step machine doing 318 steps

Wed 20th - Rest

Thur 21st - 34 mins Aerobic
10 mins up and down the stairs at home, going up and down 61 times
24 mins on my mini indoor bike at home

Fri 22nd - Rest

Sat 23rd - 4 Hour Walk
Ended up doing 4hrs 27 mins covering 15.27 miles at a pace of 17.32. I went up and down a lot of hills, and tried to do most of the walking in the South Downs

Sun 24th - 4 Hour Walk
I ended up only having time for a 3 hour walk today, so decided to do a fast one. So stuck to mostly roads, still did hills and stuff. So good speed walk, except when facing the onslaught of tourists when walking around town. Did 11.05 miles in 3hrs at a pace of 16.18

Mention last week how people in the countryside are friendly, everyone says hi. When I walk in town you never get any of this communication. Again didn't do as much gym as possible, but the combination of feeling so tired and life getting in the way. But will try to get there a few times this week

This Friday is my Lip Sync Challenge, a night of fun helping me raise money for RISE
See the event here on Facebook

Week 11 - Training Plan
Mon 25th - 30 mins Aerobic
Tue 26th - Rest
Wed 27th - 45 mins Aerobic
Thur 28th - Cross Training
Fri 29th - Rest & Party night.
Sat 30th - 7 Hour Walk
Sun 31st - 5 Hour Walk