Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Filtering by Tag: #SouthCoastChallenge

Bright Green Penguin's 2016 Review

Wow, what a year 2016 has been. What with Brexit, Trump and the seeming endless list of celebrities who died it doesn't appear to be a good year. BUT I want to focus on what I think was good about 2016.

Favourite Highlight of the Year

The South Coast Challenge. Walking 100km / 60 miles in 24 hours 22 mins was the main highlight of the year. Especially raising £1461.03 for the great Sussex charity RISE.
Walking from Eastbourne starting early morning, along the cliffs at Beachy Head, and then along the South Downs to Brighton, and the half way point in Hove, where we had food and set off again with headtorches for the 2nd half where you were walking through the night, until you reached Arundel.

Highlights include

  • The beautiful scenery of the South Coast
  • Joining up with another Nick for the 2nd half, who really helped me when walking through the night.  
  • The amazing support from people, on the walk, as well as friends and family before and during.
  • The amazing support from RISE and giving me the cool orange hoodie
  • The training walks, getting to discover Sussex, as well as listening to lots of great podcasts

Favourite Podcast

The Cycling Podcast - All about cycling, and having been a Tour de France fan for years, this has really help me expand my knowledge about this great sport. Hosted by three journalists and some friends, they give a friendly and enthusatic telling of the news and issues in the cycling world. Also by donating £10 a year you can become a friend of the podcast and have access to special podcasts. Some of the 2016 highlights include Ep2 The Rise and Demise of HTC-High Road, Ep 7 Operacion Puerto: The Day the Tour Almost Died, and E8 Mount Ventoux: Heat, Wind & Fear. Read More. Available via iTunes

A few other favourite podcasts

  • Serial
  • This is Not A Fish 

Favourite Films of 2016

Things That Prove Life in 2017 Will Be Better Than We Thought

  • Library of Things - Friendly space in West Norwood where you can borrow, share and learn with your community. Read More
  • Share Your Story - Not for profit group in Brighton and Hove providing a space to hear people's stories, to inspire us to live better ones ourselves. Read More
  • Foodshed Cook & Creche Course - Foodshed running courses for families who want to learn how to cook, whilst their children play in the next room. Read More
  • Brighton Etsy Team - One of my highlights was the Brighton Etsy Christmas Market at the Corn Exchange in Dec. If you are a creative, and on Etsy but don't follow them, then do so now. Read More
  • City Reads - Promoting shared reading across communities in Brighton and Hove. Read More
  • The People's Fridge - Community Fridge in Brixton where people can give and take spare food. Read More about them on Twitter
  •  #justacard - a Brilliant twitter campaign to encourage people to support local shops & independent creatives 
  • #Bright50 & #BrightFuture Campagin by ZSTa an architect firm based in Brighton, all about how we can improve our city  

Favourite Articles of 2016

Some of my favourite articles/news stories I shared via Twitter/Facebook this year, and via my Flipboard book

  • Artist Turns A Cement Mixer Into A Giant Disco Ball - via Bored Panda. Read More
  • The Good Gym appear on the BBC. Read More
  • 6p a Minute Cafe - via BBC. Read More
  • Artist wearing every piece of trash he creates for 30 days. See More
  • Brighton For Nerds (featuring my Brighton Bricks) via We Love Brighton. Read More
  • 7 Things To Say To Young Girls That Isn't About Them Being Cute - via Buzzfeed. Read More
  • Street Pantry Invites People to Leave Goods for Those in Need - via Huffington Post. Read More
  • Haircuts for the Homeless - via BBC. Read More
  • Host A Silent Reading Party - via Book Riot. Read More

Favourite TV Shows of 2016

Comic Book

One of the things I have got back into this year is comic books, and below are some of the series I have enjoyed.

And a few other highlights 

  • Heroes Run - I ran this race as The Flash this year. Race is raising money for education projects in Africa. A rest in 2017 but will be back for 2018. Read More
  • Lou Reed's Drones - part of Brighton Festival. Read More
  • World Book Night - I gave out books as part of a care package to rough sleepers in Brighton. Read More about World Book Night

And how was it? #SouthCoastChallenge

Week ago I was walking from Eastbourne to Arundel raising money for Sussex charity Rise (finished just around 9 am on the Sunday)

This blog is how the walk went, my experiences & any advice for anyone taking part in the future

The first thing is I have wanted a week after the walk, wanted a bit of distance looking back at it, but not too much distance that the memory plays tricks on you 

A week where the legs are recovered (sort of, still feel heavy & feet ache)... So let's start at the beginning  

Got dropped off at Prince's Park in Eastbourne, the start line. I was nervous as had no idea what to expect & losing my travel cup before did throw me off a bit. But didn't have to long to stress before called to start line, our group given a briefing & a warmup then it was off 


Walking along the Eastbourne coast line reminded me of when we stayed there for Beachy Head Marathon, and then hill climb right at the start of Beachy Hill really brought home how hilly this start will be. I was happy with my podcasts, enjoying the sunshine (though had to change to shorts after 1st rest stop as it was so hot!)  

The scenery was amazing, and seeing lines of walks in the distance made you realise how many people were taking place


Having done Beachy Head Marathon I knew how step Seven Sisters was going to be, I know the route to Alfriston (remember the places where I walked with Claire during the marathon, and also the memory of the tea and cake stop at Alfriston during the marathon)

Then walking along the South Downs, I could see Newhaven to one side, and River Ouse / Lewes on the other side, the weird thing about being high up, you can see so far away, and you think it can't be too far away but much further than you think. See the Ouse, remembering my training walk from Lewes to Newhaven, but took ages to get there on this walk. Still nice weather, not as hot as the morning sun at Beachy Head, and have a bit of a breeze helped.

This part of the South Downs walk I was helped along the way by Moore, Roger Moore. Listening to his autobiography My Word is My Bond was a nice way to relax and enjoy the scenery.

Getting near towards Kingston Near Lewes, gave me hope and I had done that walk to Brighton several times, and such a nice feeling walking down into Brighton, my home town. Knowing where I was going. And had a welcome sight before the 50km sign. Claire was there to walk from Brighton Pier to Hove Park with me, 


Felt this was a hard part for me, just done over 50km, and was tired. Hove Park seemed to be moving further and further away, so was glad I could sit down, have some pasta. Check on my feet, change into dry clothes where Claire brought with her.

As it was now dark, we had to wait until groups were ready to go out every 15 minutes. So with glow sticks, head torches on I set off to go back onto the South Downs. 


The section from Hove Park to the next rest stop Botolphs a 14km leg was the hardest of the lot for me. I think it was a combination of tiredness, the dark, needing the toilet only a few K's after the rest stop, being both hot and cold, the floor surface which is probably okay when you can see where you going, but in dark you can't see where to put your foot. 

I was hoping to see amazing night sky but as it was quite cloudy, you didn't get the views I hoped for, but was still amazing. 


Luckily for me sometime after the Botolphs stop I meet up with another Nick, and it really did help walking with someone else. So can't say how much it helped me. Thanks Nick


Sorry the above photo was a bit blurred as camera was a bit smeared, but I think it gives it a bit of atmosphere. Was great seeing the dawn break. Bacon Rolls at one of the next stops was a welcome addition. 

Every time we saw a KM marker we counted down distance to either the next rest stop or to the finish. Once we did the last rest stop it was amazing, knowing we were getting closer and closer to the finish. Sometime during the night I knew my plan for doing the walk in around 20 hours wasn't going to happen, but towards the end knowing this was going to take me over 24 hours made it felt more worthwhile. Knowing I have walked for a day sounded very cool to me.

Then arriving at Arundel was the most refreshing sight, especially as my parents and Claire were there. Completing it with Nick was good as well, 


So would I ever do this again?

No, though doesn't mean I wouldn't do another challenge. I thought Action Challenge did a great job, the route was marked out and all the rest stops were well stocked with snacks and drinks. They did a great job, so the reason I wouldn't do this is the route, having done it once I am not sure how much would a challenge it be. So glad I have done this, it is one of the biggest achievements I have done. 

What would I have done differently?

Would have done some night training, taken less stuff in my backbag and maybe some more longer walks. But overall not sure what else I could do (apart from booking the day off beforehand, and booking days off afterwards - going back to work on Tuesday was tough!!!)


My Live Trail Stats - click here


And finally - you can still sponsor me, I was doing this walk for Rise

Last Post Before The Walk #SouthCoastChallenge

This time tomorrow I will be walking from Eastbourne to Arundel, 60 miles along the coast & South Downs. Hopefully on my way to the halfway point at Brighton 

Wanted to do one last post before the walk, talking about how I felt training went, what I could have done better, and more importantly how I feel about tomorrow 

Scared is the first response. Scared is the Unknown, scared about not knowing how my body will react  

But I'm also trying to use this as a positive thing as well, as someone who is a bit of a control freak, going into the unknown like this & being able to cope with it is great therapy  

I started off this journey as a challenge after the last couple of bad years I have had. 3 surgeries in two years for three different things, has affected my fitness, also the way I felt about my health & life. At times in dark places. So deciding to take on this challenge, which when I signed up felt unreal like it was an event which was so far away, I didn't have to think about the reality  

I also like training, and the routine of training. I can use my organiser to work out what I have to do when (I use Wunderlist) & also my spreadsheets charting how far I have walked, how many mins I have spent on rower or what weights lifting in gym. 

My training has been mix of gym working on aerobic  & muscles, and long walks. I enjoy the long walks, listening to music, podcasts etc, chance to think and come up with ideas on how to save the planet (nothing on that quite yet but have thought of a cool cycling card game which I want to think more about)

I have been doing my weekly training blogs, and have no idea if anyone reads them (or even reading this) but it helps me feel better.

Want to thank everyone who sponsored me. I have found the fundraising harder than I thought. Back in 2007 & 2008 when I was doing London Marathon found it easier. I think it is the fact more people are doing charity events nowadays & it is hard to support everything.  

What would I have done differently? Would have got walking boots / walking sticks earlier, walking boots was about half way into training & walking sticks towards the end. Would have done more stair training 

But overall I am happy with my training, I fear I haven't done enough but I feared that when doing the London Marathons, the Moonwalk, London to Brighton Night Ride, Beachy Head Marathon & they all worked out. I know I have put the hours in. Could they have been harder, of course but that is always the answer. You can always go harder but that is next time 

I started running in 2006, to loose weight but it was the mental health benefits which carried me on. The feeling after a good run, and I get that after a good walk now. I'm looking forward to the feeling of finishing, the feeling of walking at night with just headtorches & moonlight to guide us.

Want to say a massive thank you to Claire, who I couldn't have done this without her support. She is amazing & love her so much.  

Will try to tweet / Facebook update when I can tomorrow but will write a blog saying how it went on Sunday/Monday


Final Weeks of #SouthCoastChallenge

The race is near, so near in fact in a weeks time it is all over. 

So in the tampering down stage of my training. So here are some of my highlights 

Wednesday 17th Aug - 55 min walk

Friday 19th Aug - 45 mins walk

Saturday 20th Aug - 1 Hour Row & then a 2 & half hour walk

And training for this week

Mon 22nd - 30 mins Aerobic  

Tue 23rd - Rest

Wed 24th - 30 min Walk

Thur 25th - Rest

Fri 26th - 30 min Walk

Sat 27th - The Race



Results of Week 12 & 13 Training #SouthCoastChallenge

Due to the 10 hour walk I did last Sunday was too knackered to do my training blog, so here is the blog of the last two weeks training.

If you not aware I am doing a 100km walk on the August Bank Holiday weekend, raising money for Sussex based charity RISE

Sponsor me at

Week 12 - Training
Mon 1st - Rest
Tue 2nd - 52 mins on the mini indoor bike at home
Wed 3rd - Rest
Thur 4th - 30 min walk outside
Fri 5th - Rest
Sat 6th - Rest
Sun 7th - 10 hour 4 mins Walk covering 32.19 miles. Walking from Brighton to Lewes to Newhaven and back to Brighton. Bit misty and suffered quite a bit. 

Week 13 - Training
Mon 8th - Rest
Tue 9th - Rest
Wed 10th - Gym - 10 mins indoor bike, 20 mins rowing, and then couple of weights machines
Thur 11th - Gym - 21 mins indoor bike, 10 mins rowing, some weights and finished off with a 5 min 55 sec run outside covering 0.66 miles
Fri 12th - Rest
Sat 13th  - 4 hour 15 miles Walk covering 13.80 miles. Walked from Hassocks to Brighton
Sun 14th  - 2 hour 5 mins Walk covering 6.22 miles. Walked with Claire along the seafront past the marina

And here is what I am planning to do next week

Week 14th - Training Plan
Mon 15th - Rest
Tue 16th - 30 mins Aerobic
Wed 17th - Rest
Thur 18th - Cross Training
Fri 19th - Rest
Sat 20th - 2 Hour Walk
Sun 21st - Rest

Less than 2 weeks to go now, so tapering down. Though as doing a rowing challenge in October, I am making sure I don't rest too much. Will be concentrating on rowing machine. This week's long walks went well, showing me the 10 mile was just a one off. Feeling confident again.

Feels unreal this is going to happen. That will be walking 60 miles, will be walking for under 24 hours (hopefully)

The Week That Was 250716

A few images of the week commencing 25/7/16  

Dynamite Gallery  

Dynamite Gallery  

Brighton Street Art

Brighton Street Art

Me at the gym training for the 100km walk  

Me at the gym training for the 100km walk  

Pro Cycling Trumps 2016 set which I got this week  

Pro Cycling Trumps 2016 set which I got this week  

Day of my Lip Sync collecting raffle prizes  

Day of my Lip Sync collecting raffle prizes  

Day of my Lip Sync collecting raffle prizes

Day of my Lip Sync collecting raffle prizes

Day of my Lip Sync collecting raffle prizes

Day of my Lip Sync collecting raffle prizes

Day of my Lip Sync collecting raffle prizes

Day of my Lip Sync collecting raffle prizes

Old Lego found in Brighton Open Market

Old Lego found in Brighton Open Market

Free Air  

Free Air  

Day of my Lip Sync collecting raffle prizes from Dice Saloon 

Day of my Lip Sync collecting raffle prizes from Dice Saloon 

Jim'll Paint It at Prescription Gallery  

Jim'll Paint It at Prescription Gallery  

My Lip Sync event at The Joker

My Lip Sync event at The Joker

My Lip Sync event at The Joker

My Lip Sync event at The Joker

My Lip Sync event at The Joker

My Lip Sync event at The Joker

My Lip Sync event at The Joker

My Lip Sync event at The Joker

Horse manure for sale - as found on my walk today  

Horse manure for sale - as found on my walk today  

Wet weather on my Brighton to Lewes and back walk  

Wet weather on my Brighton to Lewes and back walk  

The Indian War Memorial on the South Downs  

The Indian War Memorial on the South Downs  

Loving the Ziggy Snoopy print  

Loving the Ziggy Snoopy print  

The wooden oyster in Shoreham on my walk  

The wooden oyster in Shoreham on my walk  

Brighton to Shoreham & Back training walk  

Brighton to Shoreham & Back training walk  

Brighton to Shoreham & Back training wal

Brighton to Shoreham & Back training wal

Brighton to Shoreham & Back training wal

Brighton to Shoreham & Back training wal

Exclusive Lego sets at Toys R Us  

Exclusive Lego sets at Toys R Us  

Brighton street art  

Brighton street art  

My July Lego minifigure display  

My July Lego minifigure display  

Charity Raffle - Raising Money for Rise

You maybe aware I'm am doing a 100km walk at the end of August, raising money for Sussex based charity Rise

I am holding a raffle, which tickets can be bought online (see below) and having extended the raffle from my recent charity night I be looking at an venue/event this month to draw the tickets (Any suggestions please let me know)

Tickets are £2 each, and you can buy tickets in advance by donating to my Justgiving page

And in the comments section say Raffle tickets, and a contact email address, and I will then email you photos of your raffle tickets.

Prizes include

Print by Linescapes

Seedbombs from Foodshed

Prints by Leighisinkpixel

Lunch for 2 at Chilli Pickle

Books by Queen Spark Books

£30 voucher for Fatta a Mano

Star Wars Print from Manic Minotaur

and Prizes from

Dice Salon

Made Brighton

Painting Pottery Cafe

Present in the Lane

Bedsit Games

Just DayDreaming

Bison Beer

Art Shop and Pottery

Any questions email me at

Results of Week 11 Training #SouthCoastChallenge

The results of Week 11 of my training plan for the South Coast Challenge, a 100km walk I am doing for charity in August

Sponsor me at

 Below is what I was meant to do this week

Week 11 - Training Plan
Mon 25th - 30 mins Aerobic
Tue 26th - Rest
Wed 27th - 45 mins Aerobic
Thur 28th - Cross Training
Fri 29th - Rest & Party night.
Sat 30th - 7 Hour Walk
Sun 31st - 5 Hour Walk

And here is what I did

Mon 25th - 30 mins Aerobic
10 mins Rower
5 mins Step Machine
15 mins Indoor Bike (5 mins at L10, then 5 at L1, final 5 at L10)

Tue 26th - Rest

Wed 27th - 45 mins Aerobic
40 mins Rower covering 5598m
5 mins Step Machine

Thur 28th - Cross Training
Legs felt tiring so just did a 40 min walk covering 2.16 miles

Fri 29th - Rest & Party night.

Sat 30th - 7 Hour Walk
Did a 7hrs 15 mins walk from Brighton to Lewes and back, first from Woodingdean to Lewes then back via South Downs. Covering 24.24 miles. Again my GPS watch lasts 6 and half hours.

And here is the manual part I added afterwards

Sun 31st - 5 Hour Walk
Did a 5hrs 35 mins walk from Brighton to Shoreham and back. Covering 18.62 miles

Enjoy the long walks, the being alone listening to podcasts while walking in the countryside. Amazing stuff I learn, and also the laughter of the comedy helps pass the time.

Podcasts like
No Such Thing As a Fish
Cycling Podcast
Freakonomics Radio
The Infinite Monkey Cage
Revisionist History
This American Life

Week 12 - Training Plan
Mon 1st - Cross Training
Tue 2nd - 50 mins Aerobic
Wed 3rd - Rest
Thur 4th - 30 mins Aerobic
Fri 5th - Rest
Sat 6th - Rest
Sun 7th - 10 Hour Walk



Result of Week 10 Training #SouthCoastChallenge

The results of Week 10 of my training plan for the South Coast Challenge, 1 00km walk I am doing for charity in August

Sponsor me at

 Below is what I was meant to do this week

Mon 18th - 40 mins Aerobic
Tue 19th - 1 Hour Interval
Wed 20th - 30 mins Aerobic
Thur 21st - Cross Training
Fri 22nd - Rest
Sat 23rd - 4 Hour Walk
Sun 24th - 4 Hour Walk

And here is what I did

Mon 18th - Rest

Tue 19th - 45 mins Aerobic
Indoor Bike - 30 mins Interval Setting covering 7.41 miles
10 mins on 5 weight machines, doing 2 mins on each. Aiming to do more reps than previously, which I achieved on 3 of the 5.
5 mins on the step machine doing 318 steps

Wed 20th - Rest

Thur 21st - 34 mins Aerobic
10 mins up and down the stairs at home, going up and down 61 times
24 mins on my mini indoor bike at home

Fri 22nd - Rest

Sat 23rd - 4 Hour Walk
Ended up doing 4hrs 27 mins covering 15.27 miles at a pace of 17.32. I went up and down a lot of hills, and tried to do most of the walking in the South Downs

Sun 24th - 4 Hour Walk
I ended up only having time for a 3 hour walk today, so decided to do a fast one. So stuck to mostly roads, still did hills and stuff. So good speed walk, except when facing the onslaught of tourists when walking around town. Did 11.05 miles in 3hrs at a pace of 16.18

Mention last week how people in the countryside are friendly, everyone says hi. When I walk in town you never get any of this communication. Again didn't do as much gym as possible, but the combination of feeling so tired and life getting in the way. But will try to get there a few times this week

This Friday is my Lip Sync Challenge, a night of fun helping me raise money for RISE
See the event here on Facebook

Week 11 - Training Plan
Mon 25th - 30 mins Aerobic
Tue 26th - Rest
Wed 27th - 45 mins Aerobic
Thur 28th - Cross Training
Fri 29th - Rest & Party night.
Sat 30th - 7 Hour Walk
Sun 31st - 5 Hour Walk