Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

LEGO as a Conversation Starter

I run Brighton Bricks, which started off as an Adult Fan of LEGO group for the people of Brighton & Hove, and has grown & developed over the years when I realised LEGO was more than just a toy

I have done workshops, team building events as well as working with various community partners to help bring people together.


Why? Because I believe there is a whole world of potential with these plastic bricks, any it can be for anyone and everyone, from master builders to people who never seen any brick in their life before. All it takes is connecting one brick to another, then another and the possibilities are endless. 

I have never been a master builder and prefer to build from sets, as I find the following of instructions relaxing and helps me with my anxiety. A sort of mindfulness to it. But I enjoy watching the results of master builders and seeing what amazing creations people can come up with. 


The reason for setting up the group was because I grew back in love with LEGO, after a dark age period from childhood to my mid 30s when I got back into it. I realised LEGO was a solitary activity for me, and I wanted to reach out to other fellow fans. The group has allowed us to have regular meet-ups, to take part in LEGO shows and be part of the community.


This sense of being part of the community has led me to spread out and engage with local charities and community groups like The Rita Project, as well as dementia groups, homeless charities, mental health organisations and many more.


On 10th October I co-hosted a LEGO workshop with The Rita Project, which was about creating conversations about domestic abuse, and about what can we do about it. How does Lego help this conversation you may ask, well to start with it is the ultimate ice breaker, putting people at ease. We started off building from instructions to introduce everyone to the plastic brick and what it can do. 


Then the real fun happened when you had to take apart your instruction build model, and then build from your imagination using different themes first on your own, and then with someone else. So, using creativity & team work, sharing ideas and having to work with other people. All while you are playing with these bricks, you can let your mind be free to talk about important topics such as domestic abuse, and what we can do about it. And loads of free conversation was had at this event.


A sense of play is what we lose as adults, and for me playing with LEGO allows us to have fun, to enjoy the moment, and this what I want to encourage.


So if you want to have some fun, the plastic brick & Brighton Bricks can help facilitate conversations, as well as team building sessions. 


You can contact me at or via our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts (Brighton Bricks is our account name for all of them)