Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

5 Ways to Wellbeing

5 Ways to Wellbeing

Brighton & Hove City Council have produced a fact sheet entitled 5 Ways To Wellbeing, and I thought I share it as well as give some ideas how you can add LEGO to these ways

The ways give you simple actions you can build into your daily life. They can help you to feel better and cope with challenges.

See Factsheet


Join your local LUG, or you can join any of the many Facebook LEGO fan groups out there (including our own). You might want to connect with other LEGO fans via Twitter or Instagram, or check out fellow AFOLS on YouTube, Twitch or TikTok. Use social media to be social.

A lot of LUGS will organise physical events. At Brighton Bricks we used to do a monthly social before the pandemic hit the world. We did a lot of events, from the evening social in a pub to a Saturday coffee morning, as well as our events at places like Pavilion Gardens Cafe, The Level and Jubilee Library where anyone was able to turn up and build, be you a AFOL, TFOL, a KFOL or someone who hasn’t touched LEGO since their childhood.

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Well playing with LEGO is very active, be it building sets or MOCS. Maybe you enjoy sorting your bricks.

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This can refer to taking time when building sets, and really appreciate the choices the LEGO designer made when designing the set. Being aware of the world around you can really help with your MOC building, giving you ideas

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You can always learn new and interesting LEGO building techniques, either via building existing sets, or checking out other great MOC builders on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other places. One place I would recommend is Tips and Bricks


A couple of suggestions here, you can donate to Fairy Bricks, a great charity which helps sick children in hospital, or you can donate to a local charity of your choice. At Brighton Bricks we have done a collection for Royal Alex Children’s Hospital here in Brighton, as well as doing collections of old Lego for one of RISE refuge, RISE are a domestic abuse charity in Brighton, as well as a collection for children who lost their toys when a block of flats caught on fire here in Brighton.

Or you could even just give a small LEGO set to a friend or family member, show them how much fun building LEGO can be.

I post about wellbeing and mental health every week, and you can check out the rest of the posts on my Mental Health page