Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

Tall Poppy Syndrome

This week’s Wellbeing Wednesday post is about Tall Poppy Syndrome

What is Tall Poppy Syndrome?

According to Wikipedia it is “the cultural phenomenon of jealous people holding back or directly attacking those who are perceived to be better than the norm, ‘cutting down the tall poppy’. It describes a draw towards humility”. It is a term commonly used in Australia and New Zealand

This is a syndrome which can affect a workplace due to it’s negative effect on employees through either “harsh criticism of any performer, or celebrating the downfall of someone whom many might consider to be a cut above the rest.” Also according to Human Resources Director here are signs of tall poppy syndrome in the workplace.

Employees who feel they are being judged severely for simply doing their job should look for the following signs of TPS among their colleagues:

  • Criticism over minor details

  • Social exclusion

  • Downplaying other people’s achievements

  • Jealousy manifested in snide remarks

According to Well+Good the person afflicted may feel like it’s a personal attack but in reality the issue is about projection, triggering feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, fear, jealousy, and anger that lead to the desire to cut others down. Knowing this fact the it isn’t personal doesn’t make dealing with people’s unkind comments or behaviour any easier. So Well+Good have shared 6 pieces of advice for how to handle a bout of tall poppy syndrome, which I am sharing below

1. Practice compassion toward others

Because tall poppy syndrome comes about as a result of the people who are trying to dim your light, Dr. Humphreys says it’s important to cultivate and practice compassion toward others. “It comes from a place of deep hurt, pain, neglect, unworthiness, and suffering,” she says. “They are not happy within themselves or comfortable in their own skin. Allow them to be themselves as they are today, and strive to love them, no matter what.”

2. Remove yourself from harm

“Remember: Being compassionate does not mean availing yourself to being someone’s punching bag,” Dr. Humphreys says. That’s why, if you’re in this type of situation, she advises removing yourself from it and ending contact with the person or people.

3. Do what makes you happy—no matter what

Don’t let the naysayers stop you from going after your dreams and desires. You can decide to not let them bring you down. “Do the thing you want to do, and then no matter what happens from there, you can be proud you followed through on your big calling,” Parker says.

4. Gather a support squad

To keep your spirits high when others are trying to tear you down, ensconce yourself in a group of people who are distinctly different from who you are. “Surround yourself with amazing people who love, support, and honor you for who you are—well beyond your achievements or what you do,” Parker says. “They can make all the difference at times when others are being unkind.”

5. Don’t waste energy fighting back

Your energy is a finite resource, and when it comes to haters, critics, and toxic people, most of the time, it’s just not worth your time and effort to fight back, argue, or try to defend yourself. “Your time is better spent just getting on with the business of being you and creating your great work in the world,” Parker says.

6. Remember, it’s out of your control

The way others react or perceive you and your accomplishments is beyond your control. Your only job, Parker says, is to do what lights you up and share it with the world, regardless of what others may think or how it makes them feel.

And, even if you were to give in by dimming your light to avoid outshining others, doing so won’t necessarily protect you from critics, either. “We can hide, and people may still criticize us for doing so,” Parker says. “There is always the potential that critics will criticize; however, there is the same potential that people will love, support, and cheer us on.”

Have you been effected by Tall Poppy Syndrome? Or have you ever dismissed someone else’s accomplishments? What advice would suggest to help other people. Email me at