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Last Post Before The Walk #SouthCoastChallenge

This time tomorrow I will be walking from Eastbourne to Arundel, 60 miles along the coast & South Downs. Hopefully on my way to the halfway point at Brighton 

Wanted to do one last post before the walk, talking about how I felt training went, what I could have done better, and more importantly how I feel about tomorrow 

Scared is the first response. Scared is the Unknown, scared about not knowing how my body will react  

But I'm also trying to use this as a positive thing as well, as someone who is a bit of a control freak, going into the unknown like this & being able to cope with it is great therapy  

I started off this journey as a challenge after the last couple of bad years I have had. 3 surgeries in two years for three different things, has affected my fitness, also the way I felt about my health & life. At times in dark places. So deciding to take on this challenge, which when I signed up felt unreal like it was an event which was so far away, I didn't have to think about the reality  

I also like training, and the routine of training. I can use my organiser to work out what I have to do when (I use Wunderlist) & also my spreadsheets charting how far I have walked, how many mins I have spent on rower or what weights lifting in gym. 

My training has been mix of gym working on aerobic  & muscles, and long walks. I enjoy the long walks, listening to music, podcasts etc, chance to think and come up with ideas on how to save the planet (nothing on that quite yet but have thought of a cool cycling card game which I want to think more about)

I have been doing my weekly training blogs, and have no idea if anyone reads them (or even reading this) but it helps me feel better.

Want to thank everyone who sponsored me. I have found the fundraising harder than I thought. Back in 2007 & 2008 when I was doing London Marathon found it easier. I think it is the fact more people are doing charity events nowadays & it is hard to support everything.  

What would I have done differently? Would have got walking boots / walking sticks earlier, walking boots was about half way into training & walking sticks towards the end. Would have done more stair training 

But overall I am happy with my training, I fear I haven't done enough but I feared that when doing the London Marathons, the Moonwalk, London to Brighton Night Ride, Beachy Head Marathon & they all worked out. I know I have put the hours in. Could they have been harder, of course but that is always the answer. You can always go harder but that is next time 

I started running in 2006, to loose weight but it was the mental health benefits which carried me on. The feeling after a good run, and I get that after a good walk now. I'm looking forward to the feeling of finishing, the feeling of walking at night with just headtorches & moonlight to guide us.

Want to say a massive thank you to Claire, who I couldn't have done this without her support. She is amazing & love her so much.  

Will try to tweet / Facebook update when I can tomorrow but will write a blog saying how it went on Sunday/Monday


Result of Week 3 Training - South Coast Challenge

Completed week three of my training plan, and my results are 

Mon 30th May - Rest
Instead of a rest day went for a walk with Claire from Brighton Marina to Rottingdean and back again via a cafe at Rottingdean Total 5.05 miles.

Tue 31st May - 30 mins Interval
30 mins on the Indoor Bike covering 7.50 miles on the Interval Training setting

Wed 1st June - Cross Training
7 machines working on my upper body, calf & hip muscles. 

Thur 2nd June - Rest
Was meant to do Aerobic workout, but calf was feeling sore from yesterday workout

Fri 3rd June - 50 Mins Aerobic
Did 1 Hour on the indoor bike at home, little machine, so I can sit on a chair, watch TV and cycle at same time.

Sat 4th June - 2.5 Hour Walk
Walk from Hassocks to Brighton, covering 10 miles in 3 hours 2 mins. Really enjoyable walk through the Sussex countryside, though the climb up to Jack & Jill shows me I need more hill work.

Sun 5th June - 1 Hour Walk
Nice walk along Devils Dyke with Claire, in total covering 4.41 miles and 1 hour 40 mins. Nice sunny weather, and of course we had ice cream up there.

Week 4 Training Plan
Mon 6th June - Rest
Tue 7th June - 45 mins Aerobic
Wed 8th June - 40 mins Aerobic
Thur 9th June - 1 Hour Walk
Fri 10th June - Rest
Sat 11th June - 3 Hour Walk
Sun 12th June - Rest

Don't forget you can sponsor me at

Art Based Content Wanted for SouthWaves Radio

SouthWaves Radio are on the lookout for volunteers to contribute content to our varied schedule. While we would welcome local music based programmes, we are currently searching for arts based content.

Poets, people with opinions and more; we want to hear from you. Length of content can be between 10 and 30 minutes, either on a one off or regular basis.

It doesn't matter if you've never done it before, we welcome all. There is no need for fancy equipment, even just a tablet, phone or laptop will do.

Email for more information!

SouthWaves Radio is a non-profit internet radio station based in the South of England, run by people with Autism