Brighton Bricks

Encouraging Learning Through Play

The Real Junk Food Project

The Real Junk Food Project is a collaborative effort between catering professionals and activists to bring about a radical change in our food system. Our first step to achieve this challenging task is to intercept perfectly edible food that would otherwise not make it to plate and serve it as meals in the café or distribute it through our food boutique.

As well as the positive environmental impacts of reducing edible food waste the project also has clear social benefits through operating a strictly Pay-as-you-feel (PAYF) policy .

PAYF offers an alternative to the conventional the payment system as there is no price on any produce of the café. Our system transcends monetary transactions and liberates people to use their skills and attributes as well as money to pay for their meals.

Furthermore, we aim to highlight the absurdity that the produce we use has been stripped of its monetary value but still retains its nutritional value. By making people think about what they wish to contribute for their meals, the idea is to get society thinking about how they value food as a resource.

So why does this need to happen?

It is estimated that 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted globally each year, this amounts to nearly 40% of global production, this occurs for a multitude of reasons that vary between regions. In the U.K studies have shown that we waste over 15 million tons of edible food annually due to stringent and confusing food safety legislation. We argue that these laws need to be revised and people need to relearn the common sense practices that were used until and during the Second World War.

Founders and co-directors Adam Smith and Johanna Hewitt started The Real Junk Food Project on the banks of the River Yarrow in Melbourne, using the pay-by-the-minute barbeques to cook up whatever waste food they could lay their hands on. During their time in Australia they witnessed the scale of the food waste scandal. At the same time three of the would-be co-directors were also discovering for themselves the scale of commercial food waste in Adam’s hometown of Leeds through the freegan lifestyle, sustaining themselves and a cohort of other friends from supermarket bins during their time studying in Leeds.

Adam and Johanna realised that something needed to be done. After seeking advice from friends, Adam resolved that he needed to start the process of global change by first changing his hometown. The fact that the couple were now expecting their first child compounded the move back to Leeds to pursue their mission.

On their return to the north of England Adam was lucky to find people who believed in him and his ideas, and in late December was offered access to a struggling community kitchen in Armley, an area of Leeds renowned for high rates of poverty, drug abuse and crime. After hearing about Adam’s project in a local food activist meeting Sam, Conor and Edd (unfortunately no longer involved in the project) met Adam in order to offer him some carrots and parsnips they had reclaimed from a skip, which he gladly exchanged for tofu and crisps, in true PAYF stlye!

From its trial period in December 2013 where Adam and Johanna cooked Christmas dinner for the homeless population of Leeds the café has gone from strength to strength and is now open seven days a week serving meals to a wide demographic of people including three time Tour de France champion Greg Lemond during his stay in Leeds for the Grand Départ. The café is staffed by an enthusiastic team of local volunteers who are the life and soul of the project, without these wonderful individuals the project would not be possible. The concept is not restricted to Armley and other cafes are popping up in other parts of Leeds as well as other cities, all these efforts will be supported by a charitable trust serving as a network.

The Martian - Film Thoughts

Here is my my first Film Thoughts blog, and it is on The Martian, which we saw tonight. It is a my thoughts about the film rather than a review, as it may go off in different directions. May feature lots of visual imagery, but mainly giving you my impression on the film

So what do I think about the film? I loved it, when I first heard about the idea of the film, which was a long time ago I was curious into the idea. Was tempted to read the book, but wanted to see the visuals of Mars to appear on screen, and not know what the story was about.

The plot is strait forward, it is Robinson Crusoe on Mars, but that isn't the point. What is great about the film is the visuals, the designer of the film, the costumes, the whole look

But it was also the acting, Matt Damon is one of those actors who can be both tough and sensitive, and for an actor to carry a lot of the film on his own he does amazing job. It is also the supporting cast which are help make it more than a one trick pony. Great actors all over the place (and Jessica Chastain back with another good Sci-Film after Interstellar)

Lastly I have to give special mentions to both the soundtrack & the humour, it was so much funnier than I imagined it would be.

15 Things You Didn't Know About The Martian youtube video

  Some cool The Martian t-shirts on Redbubble

Lastly will need to let you know so you not disappointed after seeing the film. Marvin the Martin doesn't make an appearance 

#Justcard Part 1

Quick recap of what the #justacard campaign is about for anyone who doesn't know


I will be featuring some cool greeting card designs, giving you ideas of what you can buy from craft fairs, online stores like Etsy & Just Daydreaming

Manic Minotaur 

Hello DODO Shop on Etsy

Two Black Cats Studio

Talk To Us business pledge from Suicide Prevention

GrassRoots Suicide Prevention has set up The "Talk To Us" business pledge, see below for their reasons why and what the pledge is all about

The "Talk To Us" business pledge

Brighton & Hove has a very high suicide rate and we want to work with local businesses to change that.  Businesses are uniquely placed to reach out to their staff and colleagues who might be thinking of suicide.  Most people who die by suicide are of working age and many will be in employment.  By signing up to this pledge companies can be more aware of the needs of colleagues who might be struggling with difficult feelings and be able to offer some support and information about where to go for help.  1 in 20 of us consider suicide in a 2 week period and business people are no different.  Together we can help make our city safer from suicide.

We pledge that we will:

  • encourage colleagues to be open and honest when life gets difficult
  • talk sensitively to colleagues if we are worried about them
  • help them get support if they need it
  • encourage colleagues to sign up to the individual Tell Me suicide prevention pledge

Sign the "Talk To Us" 
business pledge here

#fridayheroes @goodgym Blog 2nd Oct 2015

This is the first post in my revamped #fridayheroes series. Now using this blog instead of Twitter it allows me a few more words to express why you should be following these people

1st pick was the easiest, it's The Good Gym, these were the people who laid the seeds of an idea of doing good, which led me to develop Bright Green Penguin

For anyone who doesn't know Good Gym is all about combing keeping fit & doing good by completing tasks such as digging up the soil, clearing weeds etc

It is based on 3 things: Group Runs, Solo Runs to Your Good Gym Coach, & Special Missions 

I first found out about Good Gym, when it was just a small group of runners, with a base from York Hall, Bethnal Green. My first group run was 14th Feb 2011. Now it has expanded all over London, with runs in Islington, Camden, Brent, Lambeth, Hackney & many more (and I'm sure they have plans for even more). There is also Good Gym Bristol

See Good Gym blog post from 2011 about the group runs we did

The main thing for me, the reason why I think it is so important org to follow & support is because of the Coach Runs

The Coach Runs are runs where you are paired with an isolated elderly person, who is your coach. You then run to them on a regular basis, to check on them to see how they are

I was paired with Millie, an isolated lady based in Whitechapel. When I first saw her, she was in hospital for a short period of time. Then I ran weekly to her house, where at first it was just a quick hello but as the friendship developed with Millie, you can tell she wanted to chat, she loved to chat so would end up spending at least 30 mins or more chatting. I would sometimes drop off fruit sometimes on my run but Millie always made me take an orange home with me

These coach runs were the highlight of the week for me, the reason to run & I can't underestimate the impact on my life this had. So it was a really sad thing when Millie passed away, especially as the last few months of running to her was when she was back in hospital & not responsive. I still talked to her, no idea if she could hear me or not, but I hope she could & that provided her some comfort & joy

So I really recommend Good Gym, as it is gives you a real reason to run. The group runs are fun, great team working 

So many great memories, so it was with sadness I had to stop doing Good Gym when I came down to Brighton, but there are potential plans for one down here & that be amazing 

if you interested in knowing more check out

Final fun facts  

Because of Good Gym, I got to appear in Runners World Magazine, be interviewed for Japenese TV & appear on live radio show to talk about the Good Gym

Thank you Good Gym




How to get involved with Sussex Nightstop

Sussex Nightstop is based on and affiliated with DePaul UK's Nightstop model. Their aim is to support young people facing homelessness by placing them in the homes of approved volunteer hosts recruited through Sussex Nightstop

They provide a flexible range if accommodation according to need - from one night to longer term supported lodgings.

So if you interested in volunteering with Sussex Nightstop, by proving a spare room which would be available for a young person who has housing needs

Hosts are required to provide the young person with a warm welcome, evening meal, washing facilities, bed and breakfast and most importantly, if necessary, a listening ear or a bit of ‘space’.


In return for this they provide full training and support, payment of expenses incurred and the opportunity to make a positive difference to the lives of young people experiencing homelessness.

Quotes from Volunteer Hosts

If you are interested in getting involved go to the Sussex Nightstop website

Can you help replace.... Urgent Charity Appeal

Recently the allotment which Grace Eyre has, a Brighton charity which helps people with learning difficulties was broken into and set on fire. 

Disgusting action which has resulted in the loss of majority of their equipment. It is costing the charity over £1700 to replace all these tools. 

So Grace Eyre news your help either by donating money to them or if you can donate tools. Maybe you have a spade or rake you don't use anymore which could help 

Below is a list of things lost, so if you can help by donating that be amazing. If you can help you can tweet/contact me & I can pass it onto Grace Eyre, or you can contact them direct through their website   

  • long handled shears
  • large forks
  • large spades
  • rakes
  • wheelbarrows
  • trowel and fork sets
  • secetuers
  • tool box
  • standard shears
  • lawn edgers
  • hoes
  • wellies
  • wood pallets
  • petrol lawnmower
  • cement bags
  • french boules
  • tennis rackets
  • badminton rackets
  • sheds
  • rugger gloves
  • watering cans
  • garden brooms
  • dustpan and brushes


Why Charities Should Make a Big Deal of Being Small

Small or Large Charities, do you have a preference for whom you support? Me, I support several big name charities like Scope, MS Society, and have taken part in the London to Brighton Night Ride for British Heart Foundation. BUT I do have a soft spot for small charities, when I did my first London Marathon back in 2007, I ran it for the London Sports Forum for People with Disabilities. Also working in the business centres I have, I have dealt with many small charities and can see the amazing hard work they do (Not saying the big charities don't work hard, I'm sure they do, but they have more money, which does make life a bit easier).

I like it when you working with a charity, where you know the people who work for them are so invested in what they doing, not just a job. It inspires you to help. That is exactly how I feel about Fairy Bricks, a great charity, who helps children in hospital by donating Lego. Knowing how hard they all work, makes me want to keep shouting about, hoping I can help them in my small little way.

And back to being small, see the article below from on why charities should take advantage of being small

What do you think? 

What Charities Do You Support?

One of the things about this website is I want it to be interactive, I want you to use the comments section, let me know what you think.

As you can see on the Charity page, I have charity events and listing of a few great charities I follow, but I want to know who you follow, who do you think should go on my listings. What charity events should be on the events page

Let me know!


Brighton Bricks - 29th Sept Write-up

We had a great meet-up last night for the third Brighton Bricks event, held at the Alcampo Lounge on London Road  

The task this month was to create a logo / mascot for the group. Something which can be used to promote us, used on marketing materials like badges, t-shirts & of course Lego figures 

Below are some photos of our logo ideas, big thanks to Kevin who came up with the seagull idea. We want everyone to go away and build their own version of the seagull & letter B. So at the next meeting we can decide on which is best design & which one we going to use

The idea of the seagull & letter B represent both Brighton & Lego, something simple, but also something which can be customised & we can have special Christmas, Halloween etc  versions.





It was #BatmanDay, and for me Batman is one of the most interesting characters out there for two reasons. One, the length of time he has been around, over 75years which brings me to the second reason, the fact he has survived for so long means he has changed and has been so many different things. From the 1960s TV Star to the more darker movies of recent years. He has been played for laughs, for drama, out of this world fantasy adventures. He represent the era we live in

So I am going to pick a few images of the many different elements I love about Batman, and how he has been represented over the years

Comic Covers


Alternative Merchandising


Batman looks a bit different? 

And to end with some photos of the classic 1960s TV show

Garage Sale Trail UK - Sat 26th Sept

This Saturday is The Garage Sale Trail in Brighton, Hackney & Todmorden

A great opportunity for both picking up a bargain and help the environment, as it stops stuff from going into landfill

"Don't Dump It, Sell It" was the motto of two friends in Sydney Australia in 2010, and now it has come to the UK. 

People have been registering for FREE to host a sale, so check it out and see where to visit. On the website you can see all the different people selling, and even create your own trail.

Below are a few examples of the sales happening on Sat 26th Sept

Craft & Jumble
7 am - 5 pm
15 Upper Gardener Street, BN1 4AN
What's For Sale - Hand crafted gifts from Christmas decorations to children's clothes, plus craft supplies (wool and embroidery silks). Also pre-loved clothes and outgrown toys, all at bargain prices!

Keep Calm and Come To Our Garage Sale
11 am - 2 pm
5 Frederick Steet, BN1 4TA
What's For Sale - Homemade cakes, lots of beautiful brand new Usborne books as well as some books the vendor has written herself. Baby and children's products including a travel crib, moses basket, Quinny travel system, Maxi-Cosi car seat, breastfeeding cushions, baby and boys clothes, a brand new child's scooter, maternity wear, womanswear and gifts.

Studio Loo - Design, Salvage and Other Random Things
10 am - 4:30 pm
201 Portland Road, Hove, BN3 5JA
What's For Sale - design, architecture and interior magazines and books, prints, posters, homewares, furniture and other random pieces of salvaged stuff

Let me know what sales you go to, and what bargains you get


In Feb of this year I started up #fridayheroes on Twitter where I highlighted the great work done by people I followed. I picked people who inspired me, who work has a positive effect be it charity related, community based or creative.

I did this for quite a few months but over time I felt limited by the number of characters Twitter allowed me, didn't really allow me to express why I picked them. So I sort of slowed down & stopped picking people

 That feels like such a missed opportunity so I'm going to start it again, starting it next week. I will be posting each Friday, people, companies, initiatives which do good, which inspire people, help improve our environment  

I also want it to be a more personal thing, what about it makes me want to pick it, how does it inspire me. I want #fridayheroes to be both your story & my story. I also want it to be interactive, what to hear your positive stories about these #fridayheroes how they helped you. 

Thank you 


I so want one of these!!!!


Your free LEGO® Creator Tiger will be automatically added to your shopping bag with orders of £25 or more. Available only through and LEGO® Stores.

*LEGO® Creator Tiger (30285) offer is valid for orders online at, in LEGO Stores and LEGO® Catalogue telephone orders from 21st September to 6th October 2015, or while stocks last. Qualifying purchase must be equal to or greater than £25 in merchandise only. One LEGO® Creator Tiger (30285) per household. Cannot be applied to previous purchases or combined with any other discount, offer or free gift. It cannot be exchanged or substituted for any other item or cash value. It is not available for purchase. Offer is not valid at LEGOLAND Parks or LEGOLAND Discovery Centers. The LEGO Group reserves the right to cancel or modify this promotion at any time without prior advance notice.

This site is just a work in progress at the moment, just made it live, and will be playing around to see what I can do with this site. So keep coming back as there will always be more to see

So exciting the possibilities out there, what I can achieve with this. This should give me a voice, ability to help promote & connect people. In some ways all the technology allows us to express ourselves but as there is so much out there, it becomes hard to connect. So just want to help in my small little way